Honey Bees

I do not

That is a beautiful brood pattern^^^^^

KY wild, Thanks when everything was all processed and weighed I ended up with 138lbs.

Mozart, Years ago I bought some of those and they really put out the population and did decent on the honey production. Unfortunately they didn’t make it through the winter and they ended up being the last bees I ever bought.
I have strictly feral mutts nowadays some do so-so and others do this. This was a swarm I picked up at the end of June

Although I like yours better as they have resources right there for the brood.
I am going to check my bees this weekend, I have not peeked in for a while. We harvested the middle of July and had a good crop we averaged about 40 pounds a hive. Pretty good year for us in Western Kentucky
Late Summer in the south is the stress period for our wildlife. My foodplots are burned to a crisp. Absolutely nothing blooming. Have lost two hives past month. They are out of food. Did not rob this year because so cloudy and wet bees didnt put up much honey. Now they are running out. I dont lose hives in winter - I lose them in summer