Habitat projects for the weekend?

Seeded wheat and rye in the plot behind the house and the orchard plot for the second time. Any attempt at a plot has been a failure this fall, with so little rain.20220924_153911.jpg 20220924_154146.jpg
In the last week we have had 3 mornings below freezing, with the possibilities of a couple more this week. Habitat projects are coming to a hault on my land, with the exception that I still need to put up a couple stands, cut some shooting lanes, and clean out some hunting stands. Normally I would be bow hunting after a freeze or two, but I haven’t seen anything to get me excited enough to get out yet. But I expect things to heat up in the next 2-3 weeks.
Need to spray fresh sprouts of RCG in the line i mowed for next year's spruce screen plantings and then disc it up after gly has done it's job. About 20 black hills spruce trees planted this spring still need cages. Other than that, habitat season is done until winter chainsaw season starts.
Other than that, habitat season is done until winter chainsaw season starts.
Just picked up 2 new chains yesterday to replace a couple that have been resharpened till they are done. Usually have a rotation of 3 or 4. Any tree to cut or hits my ground pretty much has a rock close by somewhere. I can get away with more when there is a snow layer covering everything but that's also when you cant see em.
My habitat projects are almost done now (besides cutting firewood) as PA's archery season starts on Saturday.
Still have to spray my front RCG field and get some winter rye in, but that might have to wait a little longer as well.
Now we just have to wait for the right wind for the stands on my place (North or East) and pray for a big buck to wander by....
Got the last 25 of 50 Burgambel plugs in the ground this evening and watered most of the fruit trees planted in the last two springs along with the Chinese Chestnuts.
One of my coworkers has a Bad Boy mower he seems to like it
Planted 28 fruit trees today with the kiddos l. We will try and tube and weed mat them tomorrow. I had planned on planting the orchard on the new farm along the creek in a central location on the property but have since decided that beavers would likely eat them in that location. I opted to plant the orchard on that farm around the old barnyard. I have water available so that is very nice and it’s still pretty centralized on the property. I’ll have to put up a bit of fence to keep the cattle out of that area this spring when my pasture tenant moves cattle to that farm.
That’ll heat the house for a winter or two.

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Sycamore is pretty poor firewood I may try and slab it for table tops this winter if I find time.
If I waited till the next day to cage fruit trees this time of year I wouldn't have to cage very many
I didn’t loose any of the fruit trees but I had 50 Burgambel oaks that didn’t get tubes right away and I lost several to predation.
My experimental rye plot (planted mid-October) is filling in nicely due to the tropical storm and warmer temps last week. Thinking I might have to get it scratched up with a neighbor's tiller in the spring, just to "weed out" the RCG in there. Double dose of gly, some oats and clover and it should be good to go. Hoping the rye suppresses it, and I will give it the chance to do so, but if not to the tiller we go.
My experimental rye plot (planted mid-October) is filling in nicely due to the tropical storm and warmer temps last week. Thinking I might have to get it scratched up with a neighbor's tiller in the spring, just to "weed out" the RCG in there. Double dose of gly, some oats and clover and it should be good to go. Hoping the rye suppresses it, and I will give it the chance to do so, but if not to the tiller we go.
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The tiller will probably turn up much more RCG seed if your situation is like mine.

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I have been doing my post firearm season walk through. Many of these areas I haven’t been in for 3 months.

Planning begins on how much I need to do or have ambition to do.

Probably at most, I will drop some mature popple and shrink some cages on older apple trees. The apple trees will be spring projects.

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