Habitat projects for the weekend?

This weekend is grains weekend!! Planting my neighbors future sweet corn field in WR/clover/turnips, the food plots at my house in WR and triticale, a friend's several plots at his cabin in WR and oats and some plots at our farm in WR and oats. Then we will do several rounds of rain dances while trying to scare the turkeys as far away from these plots as possible.
Also moving a treestand from the top of my home food plot to the bottom so it's easier to access.
Also planning the same. My only free day is looking like Sunday but we had some good rain this week and a couple days forecasted next week. Same combo. I might pick up some clover too and once again try to get that established.
This will be a fun weekend for me, I am done with planting, I am pretty sure I have enough firewood cut and split for this winter, and mother nature has been dropping a fair amount for me for next winter as well. My wife and I are going to attend a local event, a weekend of ATV mud bogs, camping, and bands playing. It should be a good time. About the only thing that might be habitat related is I need to pick some apples for me.

I walked out to my orchard a couple days ago and noticed I didnt loosen a tree stand, I hope the straps didnt go bad.
I need to work on a couple tree stands and do the final mowing on my trails and mow under a few low hanging branches for scrape trees. Grains are all in. Just tying up some loose ends now.
A couple weeks ago I finished fall food plot work...glyphosate on Saturday and brushhogged to minimal height 24hr later. Spread WTI Beets N Greens and Winter Greens. We got a bit of rain (finally), this was really not an ideal job, no attempt at improving soil contact, but initial results are looking OK. This weekend I have one final tree stand to move and some branch cutting to do, then hopefully I'm ready for the season.
Got the plots seeded with WR and oats. Got a bag of Plotspike clover to mix in too. Maybe this time it will work. Shockingly it rained all day yesterday. A nice long soaking rain. It was still raining this morning to that should help get things started. Naturally I had to forget something, and this time it was my sprayer. There were a couple spots that were getting overtaken by smart weed and stiltgrass. I just mowed it off as short as I could. Hopefully the cereals shoot up past it. Threw up a blind along the camp. This is a tough spot. The wind typically blows right to where the deer come from and they lay up on the hill on my neighbors which overlooks this. I think I can sneak in behind the camp though without them seeing me. I'll really have to wait for a good wind. But I've had some good buck in it in the daylight before.
plot 1.jpgplot 2.jpg
Moved the stand to the lower side of the field and cut a trail into it...now I just have to convince myself not to sit in it too much too early in the season....
I have 1 stand and 1 blind yet to put up at my place. Two more at a friends place yet too. Behind schedule as always
I have 1 stand and 1 blind yet to put up at my place. Two more at a friends place yet too. Behind schedule as always
I call it the "September Sneak"...as in where did that summer go where I was going to do all that stuff....and then it's archery season...
I put up a new ladder stand this past weekend. Cleared trails into stands, built a railing for an elevated blind so there’s something to grab onto when getting off the ladder, expanded a wall on one blind, filled waterholes, filled in some holes I had created near some apple trees planted a couple years ago, sighted in the .270, tilled some of the garden, and broke the belt on our mid mount mower.

Need to trim around some blinds next weekend then should be ready for hunting.
Disc a couple food plots and watered 100 or so trees.
Got a good view of the northen lights during a campfire the other night. My daughter wouldnt stop splitting wood with the new kindling cracker. She split a pretty big pile of wood for a small child.

Actually taking a weekend off...kinda.....got grass to mow, willl be spreading urea on my brassicas tomorrow before a couple days of rain and might do some light pruning on my crabs/apples...other than that just relaxing....rye is up and growing already in the plot seeded a week ago...or it might have been from weed whacking the standing rye earlier..but who cares it is green!!
Any habitat work has been done for about 20 days in the woods and about 15 days in the fields.
I will stay out until early Nov. except for a quick walk on a windy day to check for downed trees on stand access paths. They were checked in August.

I bow hunt a different piece of ground.

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Fallow field for about 5 years. Burnt this down twice this year with Glyphosate & Plateau. Spot treated a couple weeks ago. Disked twice, cullipacked.
Planted fall release with some extra clovers, rye and oats. Ran the cullipacker back over it again & it’s supposed to rain tomorrow.


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I’ve got all my stuff done in the woods last weekend. Today I did a deep clean and organizing on the cabin, washed windows, etc.

Tomorrow I’ve got to do some rifle work and maybe get the garage cleaned and organized.

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Got the mowing done and even spread 50 lbs of urea (by hand/iced tea bottle)...then had to go show the little guy all the work that Dad does up above the house...he loves the outdoors so he had a good time. He even tried to eat one of the clover flowers.
Got 100 lbs of fertilizer down just before the steady rain started.
I got 50 lbs. down as it was pouring. 🤣 Didn't quite make it up there early enough. But we got 1.5" so should be good to go. Also threw some WR in the garden and a clover plot. We'll see if anything makes it through the clover.