Habitat projects for the weekend?

We got .53" - should be enough to get the rye up and running?
That should give it a good start.
I've got a pretty easy weekend planned....maybe some mowing and spraying of my 1/2 acre front field (half of it is really good clover with a few weeds and the other part is RCG and other nasty hard-to-get rid of weeds) and then some more wood cutting/splitting...also should probably get my bow out and shoot it since the season starts in 2 weeks! Might even try some more rain-dances as the last ones worked out pretty well...
Have 800 lbs of WR to spread, 2 stands to put up, and a beaver dam to tear out. Then lots of advil & a heating pad 🙂
hope you have a pull-behind or some other kind of non-shoulder spreader...or some young gun volunteers to spread that all out...
Spraying Johnson grass and clearing a fence row on the things to do list also have to pick up
fish Saturday morning for some of the ponds.
I’ll be doing a little hack and squirt. Then hang a new stand for next weeks afternoon hunt. Last is to try to catch a sounder of feral pigs on the property.
Well grass carp released this morning 8 in one pond and 4 each in two other ponds will see how well they do in the next couple years. I could of probably used more but i didn’t want the weeds completely eliminated either so I errored on the light side of stocking rate. Now to clearing fence rows this afternoon.
Well I have unleashed the weed seed demons after getting that bermuda plot turned and planted. Looks like about a good acre or so of cocklebur with some liberal smattering of coffeweed, carpet weed and horse nettle. May be time to break down and buy a mower. Will add heavy dose of cereal rye to the fall plantings for some weed help long term
They are forecasting 100’s this week for us I’m pretty much done with the heat for this year bring on the colder temps and I would love some rain to go with it. I broadcast food plots a week ago and no rain yet turkeys most likely ate all my WR seed by now.
We had 8 guys down for the fall weekend work fest. I try to have a work weekend in the spring & fall but schedules & weather play a roll into what gets done..

built a new shooting range back stop out of RR ties.


New composite decking on the front porch.

Got a couple tri axle loads of gravel spread.


put siding on the road side of our storage shed.

weed wacked the lake edge.

and got started on my “smokeless“ fire pit.
All in all a very productive 3 days. Even if it was 85 degrees
Got my lower field weed whacked (~0.4 acres and very tall with weeds and a surprising amount of clover)...then took it easy for a day and a half..will be trying something on the RCG and weeds to the right of this pic I am going to put up in the RCG thread this week....

I set up my new Tactacam’s this weekend and put them out. The hill mower went down right after I sprayed so I had to weedeat to knock down all the dead but standing goldenrod, I turned 50 last week and felt it after weedeating an acre 😳 checked my last treestand and shot my bow a few hours. Filled in the bare spots with WR and overseeded the rest.

Most of my food plot is 4-6” tall but this guy is a monster.
I saw some red tops when I was broadcasting the WR, I didn’t plant any of this type of Clover so I can only guess it somehow got transplanted, is this Crimson Clover?
I set up my new Tactacam’s this weekend and put them out. The hill mower went down right after I sprayed so I had to weedeat to knock down all the dead but standing goldenrod, I turned 50 last week and felt it after weedeating an acre 😳 checked my last treestand and shot my bow a few hours. Filled in the bare spots with WR and overseeded the rest.

Most of my food plot is 4-6” tall but this guy is a monster.
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I saw some red tops when I was broadcasting the WR, I didn’t plant any of this type of Clover so I can only guess it somehow got transplanted, is this Crimson Clover?
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yes that is crimson..any idea what that monster brassica is?
yes that is crimson..any idea what that monster brassica is?
I have no idea bud, I used Northwoods Big & Beasty blend and added Chicory, PTT and 4 different white clovers. This is my first year food plotting so all this is new to me.
Yesterday afternoon



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That old nasty half dead cottonwood was about the last tree in that 1/4 mile section of fence getting replaced that I’m taking out. There are also a few oaks one bur oak maybe 10” on the stump and a couple red oaks that I’m leaving alone. I’ll work around them installing the new fence my great grandchildren will likely still be able to enjoy the shade from the bur oak if I leave it alone. I did score a Rhino PD-55 pneumatic post driver today for $1100 an old man had it in his garage he said he used to install chain link fences around oil pipeline relay stations but hadn’t used it in better than 10 years he was tired of tripping over it and wanted it gone. I’m looking forward to playing with it some this weekend but I also received my Burgambel oak order today so I have 50 of them to plant tomorrow.