Habitat projects for the weekend?

Sprayed several hundred gallons of brush kill herbicides this weekend. Yesterday evening when I took my socks off I had what looked like hundreds of small ticks so small you could hardly see them on mostly my ankles. I jumped in the shower and scrubbed pretty good or at least I thought I did. I got out of the shower and still had many of them on me my wife scraped them off with a utility razor blade took quite a while to be rid of them all. I most of wondered through a whole nest of the nasty little beasties. My wife said she wasn’t sure I was going to be allowed outside to play anymore. LOL

Gross! My uncle just got out of the icu from having complications from anaplasmosis (tick borne illness). I’d get checked out if you start to feel off.

All my stuff is going to have a solid permethrin treatment for a while!
Had a brief stop to check cameras this weekend. We finally got a little rain and had some more in the forecast so I threw out some more PTT seed. Saw this little one laying right on the shoulder of the road. Hoping the doe didn't get hit. Looked like it was a pretty recent birth, which isn't uncommon here since there are so many doe around. A lot don't get bred until winter.
Water, lots and lots of water. Only one rain in the last six weeks, trees are starting to struggle20220724_120315.jpg
Drought sucks. Last time I had to water was 2012. Been lucky since then.

I planted a little brassica/clover throw and drag plot yesterday. Got 1.75” a few hours later. Glad I ran up and got that done. Now just need the follow up rain in 10-14 days.
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I walked across my yard yesterday and it was pretty crunchy. We are supposed to get about 1/2" today though.
Sprayed several hundred gallons of brush kill herbicides this weekend. Yesterday evening when I took my socks off I had what looked like hundreds of small ticks so small you could hardly see them on mostly my ankles. I jumped in the shower and scrubbed pretty good or at least I thought I did. I got out of the shower and still had many of them on me my wife scraped them off with a utility razor blade took quite a while to be rid of them all. I most of wondered through a whole nest of the nasty little beasties. My wife said she wasn’t sure I was going to be allowed outside to play anymore. LOL

Just saw this. Those are not ticks, their chiggers. Nasty little things.
My brother picked the hottest weekend of the summer to come up to the farm and cut some trails and hang a new tactacam...we gave up on the 20+" diameter tree we were working to remove proved too substantial.....back at it yesterday splitting some wood at the house to also open up some trails at my house..but that was after a round of storms dropped the temps into the low 80s and left the humidity darn close to 100....but if I wait for cooler temps to get that wood split I would be missing out on archery hunting..plus some of it is a little green and needs some drying time...
I am familiar with chiggers small red bugs these where not chiggers. I suspect I must of wandered through a fresh tick hatch they where quite tiny.
I ran out to check cameras and decided to check the mile a minute I sprayed to see if there was still any alive and spot spray it. Damned if I didn't use another full tank (1 1/2) gallons. That stuff is impossible. It just pops up everywhere. Some places that I already sprayed, 1/2 the vine was dead but the other half was still holding on.
I ran out to check cameras and decided to check the mile a minute I sprayed to see if there was still any alive and spot spray it. Damned if I didn't use another full tank (1 1/2) gallons. That stuff is impossible. It just pops up everywhere. Some places that I already sprayed, 1/2 the vine was dead but the other half was still holding on.
I’m unfamiliar with what your spraying but with osage orange and honey locust I try for 100% coverage or I end up with some survivoring branches when foliar spraying the leaves.
I still have some 41% Gly left over from last year. I mixed up a strong batch the first go around to try to nuke all of it. This time I mixed a weaker batch. Hopefully it still kills it.
What are you trying to kill?
I am familiar with chiggers small red bugs these where not chiggers. I suspect I must of wandered through a fresh tick hatch they where quite tiny.

Hmm our chiggers are brown and look like tiny ticks. But the red itchy bump is the telltale.
moved a stand, hung a new double ladder stand where a tree fell on the old one during a storm.

Spraying at some point this week.

Church group camping in the food plot this weekend, then planting.

Once we're planted, stay off of it until the end of September.
No itchy bumps at least not where they where I had a hole in my jeans at the knee and have gotten poison ivy all over my knee that’s got me itching like a hound for the last few days. Now I managed to get some poison ivy on my right arm also after walking the new farm Saturday morning. Good times in habitat management. I did find a area that would lend itself to a third small pond on the new farm when I get my CAT 951 moved from other farm this fall. If I build the new pond I can run cross fence over the new dam and won’t be dealing with a seasonal creek bed to try and fence. I did jump several deer and two fawns a turkey hen with about a dozen chicks on the new farm. Spaying lespideaza on the old farm this weekend I jumped several deer one coyote and two red fox I went threw 400 gallons of spray this weekend.
LOL I thought that “Mile a Minute” was a figure of speech not the actual name of the vine.
Nope unfortunately it's a SOB. No idea where it came from. I just happened to notice it at the edge of two of my food plots last year. I thought I sprayed it all but now it's popping up everywhere. It's so thick now that if it pops up in some areas I'll never know until it's too late. Can grow up to 6 inches a day. Has little thorns on it. It sucks to walk through. I thought stilt grass was bad enough.
I finished all of my planting this year. Now to just sit back and hope for rain.