Grasshopper Invasion


5 year old buck +
Will it make it? Seems the grasshoppers came in overnight and wrecked havoc on my orchard! This little guy got it the worst. Thoughts? I sprayed them all with home defense bug spray. Not sure if it will kill them, but they didn’t like it. Bummer…

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That's one night?
Must be dry?
Maybe a light dose of 10-10-10 added and some good ongoing watering might stimulate some growth of bud & leaf production.
That's one night?

I walked the orchard yesterday and looked at all of these trees. I can’t even tell you if there was one grasshopper on them. Nothing remarkable anyway. Was mowing today and it was stripped. This pic was after I sprayed it. Must have been 25+ on this tree alone. All of my new ones from this spring were covered. I have 2 older trees that barely had a hopper on them. Peaches and pears were unaffected.

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Must be dry?

Recently, yes. Got an inch a few nights ago. First rain in a couple weeks. They moved in in no time…

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I will add that I have never seen this happen before with any tree. These are big grasshoppers too. Crazy. I will get it plenty of water and see if I can help it out.

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I would not fertilize this late in the Summer. Water away. There are fully mature dormant buds at the base of each leaf petiole where it attaches to the branch or trunk. Those will all break dormancy and grow, not really ideal this time of year as the tree then has to make another round of dormant buds for next Spring and if we get a early killing frost (not likely) they might not be fully mature.
Most grasshoppers I have ever seen this year.
I had hoppers on 1 tree,and they stripped almost all the leaves off.I sprayed with bifan and now 3 weeks later almost all the leaves are back.I also spray this around our picnic area and the bug guy said he dilutes it a little more and puts in spray bottle to spray mounts with if they get weevils
I had hoppers on 1 tree,and they stripped almost all the leaves off.I sprayed with bifan and now 3 weeks later almost all the leaves are back.I also spray this around our picnic area and the bug guy said he dilutes it a little more and puts in spray bottle to spray mounts with if they get weevils

Bifan in stock at a farm supply store down the road. On my way!

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Bifen application complete. Them suckers were back in force this morning. Already chewing up another one. They did NOT like the Bifen…

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I would not fertilize this late in the Summer. Water away. There are fully mature dormant buds at the base of each leaf petiole where it attaches to the branch or trunk. Those will all break dormancy and grow, not really ideal this time of year as the tree then has to make another round of dormant buds for next Spring and if we get a early killing frost (not likely) they might not be fully mature.
Good explanation. I never fully understood why not to fertlize late into the summer. Thanks for sharing!
I’ve got them defoliating fruit trees also not as bad at the house with my roving band of guinea fowl running loose but the two farm orchards are taking a beating.