So the cell phone I was using as my personal phone was my old jobs cell. They finally shut it off this past spring so I had to get a new phone and new number. I also stopped mowing the path that went past his place so that all grew up. I haven’t heard from him since the phone number changed. I feel bad a little bit, but I also like not worrying about it.
Another funny thing happened. There is 2 or 3 acres that is landlocked that borders mine. I contacted the owner (different guy)and offered him a fair price but he turned it down, said he promised his mom he’d never sell. His lawyer sent an offer to buy an easement but I turned it down, I don’t necessarily want people driving through my property, although I guess if I get him to put in a driveway it would benefit me as I don’t have one now……. He also texted me right before the rut to see if he could walk through my field to get to his property so he could see what needs to be done to clean it up and make the small pond fishable. I never returned his text as I wasn’t sure what to say. He also mentioned about putting a house or cabin on the property. I don’t want to be a dick, but how is he going to “clean up” his property without accessing it through mine and if he has an easement with the neighbors on the other side, why wouldn’t he just access it through that, just very odd. I even told him he’ll have a hard time selling to someone that isn’t one of the neighbors because it is landlocked…. He is a nice guy and I guess a long time ago his great or great great grandfather owned most of the land in the area.