So I drilled about an acre this evening. The good news is that all the way through to the end, the seed delivery system worked great and there wasn't a single row plugged. Great Plains was right, the vibration and movement of the double discs and flapper kept the seed flowing.
Other good news, the drill when my 3 pt was lowered all the way down sat pretty level, which means the added weight was beneficial!
The bad news, even though the double discs were cutting a little deeper, I'd guess that 50% of the seed didn't get buried. That's a very high percentage of seed and unacceptable amount, IMO. My ground that I was planting had some rye thatch but is generally pretty poor, rocky soil.
The only two things I can think of to improve drill performance are to drill after a rain (hasn't rained here in 3 weeks, soil is definitely crusted) so that the soil is better conditioned OR raise the drive wheel one slot from 7 to 6 in attempt to force the double discs deeper.
Here are a few pics illustrating conditions and drill level.
1/2" cutting depth?

An area where it was cutting good and most seed was buried

You can see by the stuck soil to the disc that it's getting reasonably deep and there is even some soil moisture(sticking to disc) despite the dry last several weeks.

Drill sitting much more level after added weight, which is a good thing. Tractor handled the drill weight with ease, only concern is additional stress the weight could put on the drill.