Got an "Old Timer" last night

Dam just left taxidermist he was highly disapointed I cut such a great cape he could have sold to someone for good $$$. I now know what Dipper meant, I didn't realize could have used like that, oh well live and learn,
Sorry man if this site wouldn't be what it is, I would have warned you earlier.
Out of curiosity, what would a cape like that be worth?

Anywhere from free mount to 300.00 ( and he would skin) . Deer was also nice charcoal colored but in sunlight does not show well.
Day Light Pic chip co.JPG
I talked to several Taxidermist quoted on attached pic no damage other then small entry hole. One Mentioned he would have like entire skin (300). a leaf on bottom

I should mention all was in trade towards mounting services.
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Great buck! Congrats!
Great buck. That's an old dude.
You can send his incisor teeth in to and they will tell you exactly how old he is. Its kinda cool hanging the age certificate next to the antlers.

Nice deer. Congrats!
Out of curiosity, what would a cape like that be worth?
MNFISH - I usually get around $30-50 for our capes. At least have in the past.
Great buck, Fall Guy !!! Old man and 217 lbs. It's extra cool to get an OLD one - you know he's been thru some ordeals and close calls. Congrats !!! Maybe keep a couple pix of him with the rack ??
Yes I have plenty pics thru years. Not the greatest rack but unique and I truly enjoy challenge of getting old mature buck with bow regardless of antlers. I still have a couple much nicer racked heavy weights on property that will be challenge next bow season. I have buddy coming out for rut now and I am just climbing in stands and doing video.

2015 Buck.jpg

These are pics of jaw bones. My neighbor is retired DNR wildlife person he will give me accurate aging next week. But looks like my guess based on history pictures which can be hard to say 100% in 1.5 thru 3.5 years I am thinking should be in the 6.5 year old range. ( maybe Dipper or anyone with knowledge can give estimate )

Jaw Bone Left Side.JPG

Jaw Bone Right Side.JPG
That's an old dude, and off my 5.5 scale. Honestly, I would say 7.5. 8.5 might be pushing it but I wouldn't rule it completely out. Those back molars are down to the gums!!!
That is a lot of wear and a really old buck no doubt. Especially for heavily hunted wi.
It looks like the molars on one side are split in two. Did the top jaw look like that too? I like an old buck more than score. I would have shot that one without any hesitation.

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Yes Molars were missing inside half #6. Do not know what tops looked like. I think site would be great place to start thread and collect Jaw pictures based on age.
With smart phones pics so good I see know reason why accurate estimates could not be learned for all up to 5.5 + year age class.

This is best Hunter guide example I have located ( Well outside of Dipper :) )