Going after a new blind tomorrow.

Muzzleloader with old style powder means you have zero chance of watching the deer you shot at.
Come on Foggy where's the pictures.
Foggy Don't do this.

Or this.

Now thats funny right there!
Fyi, pop a .338 off without plugs. WHAT?

That SO reminds me of one of the dumbest things I have ever personally ever done!

I can tell you from personal experience NEVER, EVER, EVER shoot the high powered rifle out the window while standing in the house!!!!!! I did this ONCE - yes it was that bad I only did it once. There was a huge tom cat I had been after for weeks and I saw him and the closest thing I could find was my 30/30 lever gun. I open the window took aim and BOOM! That was it, shut down the party, turn off the lights! I was SO deaf that I could not hear myself speak at any effort level! I could feel my lips moving and that was it. TOTAL SILENCE! I knew it was getting better when the high pitched whine sound started about 20 minutes later. I was actually scared that I may have literally made myself deaf! After about an hour it got progressively better and took 2 days for my hearing to fully recover.

The funny aspect of all of this is that nobody else was home......except the wife's house cat! I would have loved to have seen the reaction of that thing! It makes me laugh just thinking about it even now. I got money that says that thing bounced of the ceiling!!!!
J-bird, I have a really good(pretty scary) Crazy Uncle Leroy story that falls in that same category, but it was an accidental discharge that no one(5 of us) in the room was expecting!:eek:
J-bird, I have a really good(pretty scary) Crazy Uncle Leroy story that falls in that same category, but it was an accidental discharge that no one(5 of us) in the room was expecting!:eek:
I though about it after I posted that maybe I should move the post.....but we don't have a dumbass attack thread!!!! Didn't mean to dis-rail. Lets see Foggy's new high class hunt'n shack!!!!!
Funny right there^^^!
The natives are restless.........gonna need those pics asap!!!
You guys need to relax. Just got back at 5 pm....and its miller time. image.jpg

Ill put this up on a rainy day. Gonna be too nice tomorrow. Grin.
OK. I'm going to review things as I go. Today, I got everything unboxed and loaded onto my trailers. Prepped my spot for the blind via my rotary cotter. Site is pretty good and level. Read all the instructions. VERY well written and illustrated.

I pre-assembled the ladder and got the parts sorted out and organized my bolts into containers. 95% of the bolts fit ONE SIZE wrench (9/16") and the bolts are mostly one length. This is refreshing.....expecially when you have to assemble in the field - who wants to fumble around with multiple size bolts when your working in the dirt and weeds?

Those of you that have read my reviews, know that I am highly critical of folks that don't engineer things correctly or make things "right". So far, this product does NOT fall into that category, and I doubt that it will. When people take the time to do things right as I have experienced today....they generally are thorough and do it right all the way! I'm certain this is one of those products.

Anyway......I got everything ready for the big day tomorrow when I have enlisted the help of my BIL to help me raise this bad boy. Looking forward to it.

One thing that became somewhat evident to me was that a 10' platform and ladder is such a nice, well built product.....that I could see just buying this kit and putting a wooden box blind (of my own build?) on these in the future. It's a thought, especially if time is tight and your not great at constructing in the field. If your on a budget, you may consider doing this and adding the Red Neck blind at a later date....after your box blind build gets "old". Grin.

I bought a hex drive to 3/8" socket adaptor at Menards.....and attached my 9/16" socket to my lightweight cordless drill. Makes quick work out of the many fasteners. Then I just give em an extra crank with my ratchet after the pre-assembly is done.

Did I mention that I am well-pleased with the quality and good instructions, etc. Expectations exceeded so far. :)
Today I located my stand and erected it. My BIL helped me. It took us about 4 hours to get it up and just needs a bit more leveling. I anchored it down and decided to call it a day......I was bushed.

Heres the details. Lots of fasteners to put this stand together.....and you must follow the instructions. Good thing the instructions are quite well written and well illustrated. Hard to screw it up unless you are prone to taking shortcuts. Lots of wrench time.....I suppose two hours or so. Good think everything fits so nicely and all the holes line up....yadda yadda. It keeps my swearing to a minimum.

I decided to use the winch on my Honda UTV rather than pull it up with my tractor. Reason?.......I didn't want to drive too much in my food plot and tear it up before the season. This caused the only possible flaw in the plan. When you winch it up......you use the stands ladder for a fulcrum. At a point when the stand is nearly erect the ladder should just fall away and the stand should barely nudge. Not exactly sure what happened on mine.....but when the ladder fell away.....the whole stand dropped about 3 feet backwards. I'm glad I had good fastener connections and good cable and chains......cause it could have been a disaster. No damage done.....and it all resumed fine.....but I didnt like that event. If I do another......I will pull it up with the tractor and loader as also illustrated in their DVD.

I'm pleased with the location. Its located on the edge of a small food plot....where I can both bow hunt and rifle hunt. I have a long lane to watch during rifle season.....and the deer will cross that lane and give a look down either way. Also have multiple buck rub trees and scrapes each year in this spot.....and I have good soil to grow lots of groceries for the deer. It also has many pics of varmints and bears.....so it should be a nice place to watch some critters.

Heres a few pics of the stand. So far I am glad I bought this product. Pretty sweet.

red 1.JPG
red 2.JPG

I have some brush to "re-arrange" under the stand. It just needs to be pulled through under some bracing. That way I will have a pretty good screen to enter the stand. Also needs a bitt of brushing out.....but that will happen fast.....when my energy returns. ;)
Couple more pics......much the same stuff.



This is a half acre food plot with lots of trails in and out to watch. I may try to enlarge it a bit in time. Has good dirt here.....and has lots of potential......I just had been snake bit here with a ladder stand in a different location here in the past. Not sure why.

I have just over seeded this plot with Rye, brasica and radish about ten days ago.....they will be coming on in this plot.....as the beans get worked over.
Good looking blind, looks good there
Yesterday I used my rotary cutter to prepare a little "slot" in the woods to hide my golf cart. That way I can drive to within about 40 yards of my stand shown here....and walk in undected. When you got arthritic hips :rolleyes:you gotta plan for all kinds of stuff. Lately I gotta plan so I don't have to make more than one trip across a big box store......or I may not endure the pain to get out again. o_O I feel a hip replacement is in my future. :(
Yesterday I used my rotary cutter to prepare a little "slot" in the woods to hide my golf cart. That way I can drive to within about 40 yards of my stand shown here....and walk in undected. When you got arthritic hips :rolleyes:you gotta plan for all kinds of stuff. Lately I gotta plan so I don't have to make more than one trip across a big box store......or I may not endure the pain to get out again. o_O I feel a hip replacement is in my future. :(
The weather the last few days has made little aches and pains reappear that were not there during the summer heat.
Very nice looking set up you have there Foggy. Should make for some very comfortable November sits. It also reminds me that I have a couple more box stands to get put up for those chilly days. That is a very impressive looking stand!!
Just a question. Would a guy want to tuck that into a ever green or some other cover to break up the blind a little more?
Just a question. Would a guy want to tuck that into a ever green or some other cover to break up the blind a little more?

Deer acclimate to things way faster than you would think especially if they dont associate them with danger. Not to say it hurts to break up the outline of something, but personally I dont think it is necessary.