SIL might have got the biggest, but it is a whole lot easier to hit a hog the size of a hippo, standing still, than hit a hog the size of a jack rabbit and running like one, too
ducks not great at my place - off and on. The millet shot was at our lease about 30 miles away - 13 duck holes, 5 to 40 acres of water. Just really figuring out what to do there. Mixed bag - ring necks to mallards. Opener is tomorrow and looks pretty weak. Water a lot lower than last year. A couple holes still dry. We will see
The pic where it looks rolled down is after I plant in sprayed, standing weeds with a woods seeder. I do a throw and mow or two, but not many. I plant about 125 lbs of combine run wheat - not certified - and 5 lbs durana
Neigjbor and duck lease member with me took this deer yesterday with his bow. While you would like to kill them all, if a neighbor is Going to kill one, this is a good guy to do it. We exchange pictures and hunt the same deer. He is serious about it. If not my family, I would pick him. Nine pt at 149 4/8 is a good south arkansas piney woods deer
This isnt on my land - unfortunately - but on some land I lease for duck hunting. It is a whole new level of learning to manage the moist soil units. We have 13 water bodies from 5 to 40 acres. Below are a couple of representative water bodies
That “E” shaped island where we hunted past Sunday
Above photo some japanese millet that was planted with a drone and flooded
Below is a flashboard riser. Water comes in at left side, bottom of structure. Boards in middle can be removed or added to raise or lower water in 2” increments. Overflow runs out bottom right side