Goliaths get HUGE. Swear I've seen some come up to steal fish that looked the size of volkswagen beetle bugs. To Bill's point they tear up TONS of gear. Had a friend determined to catch one on heavy rod and reel and think at last count he'd had gear destroyed at least 4 times (and still without a goliath actually brought boatside).
Funny true story was posted on a local forum with pics a while back. Boat with six guys fishing on it were getting gags chased up by a huge goliath so they decided to tie all their six lines to a single heavy shark cable with a single big hook. One at a time their gear failed them until the last lone guy was still connected and finally got the fish up to the top.
Handlining with rope tied to cable is WAY easier. Batting 2 for 2 on efforts from my boat thus far, though admittedly quite an intense brief tug of war. Rope doesn't crack like rods do when pulled against the side of the boat, and in fact the side can be used as a bit of a brake to slow dives down.
My brother went to Bass Pro in Cape Coral told the fishing dept he wanted a rig that wouldn’t break on a Goliath. $2000 later he had a rig. 1 week later they refunded him and ordered a bigger rod.