The "barn" cabin is 12 X 12 with a second floor that is 8 X 12 (open in the front for steps). That wood stove is actually for my 10 X 12 canvas wall tent. Works great.
Glad to see you here Weasel. You sure got a nice set up there!
Seeing all these cabins makes me want to call the lumber yard tomorrow an start putting a lumber package together!!!
I think my wife would kill me if I start another project before our house is completed:)
It was HOT at the farm today. Been over a week since I was there last, my neighbor who leases my front field got the beans sprayed.
The used 2 row planter I bought was a disaster. Ran out of time to go back and get my tiller hooked up after fighting with the planter then giving up and broadcasting the corn. Thought running it over with the tractor tires would get it deep didn't. Would have run the tiller set shallow back over it but it was getting dark & I didn't have time to go back and hook it up. Oh well, at least my new sprayer works better than the planter. Luckily, I returned the planter and got my money back. First attempt at corn was a failure. Learned a lot though. Plenty of space for LC mix here.
Ragweed was taking over my sorghum-milo plot screen.
Hit it with 2,4 D and the ragweed was already drooping by the end of the day.
Fruit trees in the orchard are doing great. The Stanley Plums I planted this year are already bearing fruit.
I planted most of my apples & pears in the spring of 2015. This Liberty from Turkey Creek is the first apple to bear fruit!
Kieffer pear was a foot below the top of the cage when planted last year.
The wild apples are doing great this year as well. We did some edge feathering on a small kill plot this spring and found this apple growing in the understory. What a difference some sunshine can make.
Thanks Buck! So glad you joined here. Trying to salvage my tour and keep updates going at the same time. It's like one of those movies that jumps around from past to present then back again LOL. Hope you continue posting your tour over here.
More than a little excited to see this white oak while collecting blackberries. I have very few oaks to begin with and almost all are pin oaks. I'll be releasing this one and protecting it.
Also found these new deer highways adjacent to a decent size hinge cut we did this spring. Best part is, it is upwind of the hinge cut and a kill plot. I put out a trophy rock, feed & a camera near the intersection.