Donald nailed it.

Hard to argue with that performance. He totally exceeded what the Dems expected and they came out of that looking pretty bad by sitting on their hands. Bad move on their part.
I didn't even watch - the whole circus is just stupid. It get sssssooooo tired of folks thinking that if they complain enough it's going to's not, get over it and make the best of it.
Dangit... I missed it. But I did surf between MSNBC and FOX to see everyone's reaction. Somewhere in the middle is the truth.

Sounds like he knocked it out of the park, but the real question is, will tomorrow reflect his speech or was that just a speech?

Seems like the handlers are reigning him in... I think his intent is pure, but his ego gets in the way. Hopefully they can keep his ego in check and get him to do the things he wants to do without going off message too far in the future.??!!

I didn't even watch - the whole circus is just stupid. It get sssssooooo tired of folks thinking that if they complain enough it's going to's not, get over it and make the best of it.

Oh, you should have watched.
No complaining or whining. Just a well thought out discussion.

You would have appreciated the way he "softly" tried to tell your son that maybe his girl was on the wrong course without calling her out.

I think it went well.
I really don't think he's as reactive and unhinged and people think. He's seems to be mastering keeping the spotlight directly on himself and not on the surrogates in charge of talking for him or against him. You can't have a donald news clip without his exact quote or some video to showcase "how" he said what he did. And when he talks, people who love him want to know what he's saying. People who hate him also want to know what he's saying. Compare that to all the other guys that held the office. After a few first speeches, who really cared what they said after that?

The news is paralyzed from there. If they don't roll the tape, people will turn the channel to an outfit that will.
Listening to Racheal meadow cry in her soup now is priceless.

I heard a great quote a few weeks ago...
"I gain my strength from drinking the tears of liberals". I love that!

I didn't watch the speech either...past my bedtime. But I did record it, I'll be watching it later.
I did think it was a absolutely ridiculous way to show your opposition to the office by wearing white. Those bleeding heart liberals have nothing better to do. You can just picture the scene walking into one of there houses. Full of stuff laying around, there children are on a mission in some third world country, and all they want to talk about is what the govt is doing wrong. Not one of them has worked an honest day in their lives. I am sick and tired of people complaining.

One last rant.. It's about time that fricking wall gets built.
Great speech, and the dems looked like mannequins the whole night...Big thumbs up!
I did think it was a absolutely ridiculous way to show your opposition to the office by wearing white. Those bleeding heart liberals have nothing better to do. You can just picture the scene walking into one of there houses. Full of stuff laying around, there children are on a mission in some third world country, and all they want to talk about is what the govt is doing wrong. Not one of them has worked an honest day in their lives. I am sick and tired of people complaining.

One last rant.. It's about time that fricking wall gets built.

Dressed in white---KKK
The speech was great!
Even the after reports on CNN said at that moment he became Presidential to them.
If he can keep his talking points and speeches like that and quit talking about how he won the election and ranting about idiots that slight him, he has the potential to be a truly great President.
He is the first politician in my lifetime that is actually following through with the campaign promises he made.... except for one promise...he needs to turn Trey Gowdy and Jason Chaffetz loose on Hildabeast then sit back and act like it's just a legal thing not his idea.
Oh, you should have watched.
No complaining or whining. Just a well thought out discussion.

You would have appreciated the way he "softly" tried to tell your son that maybe his girl was on the wrong course without calling her out.

I think it went well.
Maybe I should have watched - I don't do politics well I call a spade a spade from my perspective. We are well past calling her least I am. Oh well I'm sure I can find it on the Internet somewhere.
The Dow liked it!
I didn't see it in the entirety but saw the high points on Fox News this morning. All I can say is "excellent." I'm 100% behind the Donald!!! He could be the greatest president in history.
The Dow liked it!

The 401K has been happy since November. If it's happy, I'm happy.

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Doesn't make sense. Everyone said the market would tank if Trump was elected? :emoji_smirk: