Does my plot stand a chance?

My brassica plots were a big fail this year as well, and I just over seeded them with winter rye, clover, and sunflower. Knowing the sunflower would be a bust, but still planted them. The winter rye and clover I have little doubt will grow either this fall, or/and the spring. Plant it, and they will come!
We had barely any rain in central PA. I was worried but I guess it could be worse. Just broadcast about 30 lbs of rye on this too. About 1/8 acre. Got a little bit of rain after I broadcast but then bone dry for 2 weeks. Hopefully we got enough dew with the colder mornings we've been having. Funny that it grew better in shaded areas.
Here is WR I planted about 3 weeks ago by simply surface broadcasting and doing nothing else. We were dry for several weeks before, had about 1/10" rain that night. Last 2 weeks have been dry with just nightly dew for moisture.

About a week ago ...

Last weekend .... note the WR was planted about 10 days after the clover PTT & GHR.

Just wanted to post an update. My plot isn’t as good as years past but it’s definitely drawing holding deer every evening. There is a big acorn crop they are still hammering which has allowed this grow a little more.

trail cam pic from last night.
