Do you think Gov. should ban wood stoves?

They are worried about air quality from some wood stoves, but THIS:eek: is in the same valley area as they are proposing a wood burning ban?:confused:o_O
Kennecott Open Pit Copper Mine.jpg

I'm betting these guys don't put out any airborne particulates in days work?:rolleyes: 2 years ago we sent 12.5 million lbs of structural steel for a new upgraded autoclave system for extracting molybdenum from the ore tailings. This copper mine produces $250,000 of "incidental" gold every day. They could see the pit from the orbiting Space Shuttles. Pushing a mile deep and 2.5 miles across now, betting they aren't asking them to cut production in the winter months due to the excessive particulate levels.:rolleyes:
I love wood heat and would be depressed if I was not allowed to heat our cabin with our wood stove.
I love it when guys totally miss the point! Ha
Here in Pa. we have coal-fired power plants that puke out particulates as well as mercury, sulfur dioxide and a list of other pollutants. And the trucking industry has fleets of 18 - wheelers, dump trucks, garbage trucks that pour out clouds of black exhaust smoke every day. I drive behind them and I have EYES !! If any, ANY government body is gonna get all " holy and righteous " about air quality............... then by GOD.............. make EVERYONE clean up their air-borne pollutants!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad::mad::mad: This pick on the " little guy " shit is long worn out to me. F**K politics and that right or left shit........... right is right and wrong is wrong !!!!!!

It also helps if you know how to adjust your stove's burn so you don't have a chimney constantly spewing a plume of smoke. We have " Johnny-come-lately " types here that don't know shit from shinola when it comes to burning wood .........or coal.
Here in Pa. we have coal-fired power plants that puke out particulates as well as mercury, sulfur dioxide and a list of other pollutants. And the trucking industry has fleets of 18 - wheelers, dump trucks, garbage trucks that pour out clouds of black exhaust smoke every day. I drive behind them and I have EYES !! If any, ANY government body is gonna get all " holy and righteous " about air quality............... then by GOD.............. make EVERYONE clean up their air-borne pollutants!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad::mad::mad: This pick on the " little guy " shit is long worn out to me. F**K politics and that right or left shit........... right is right and wrong is wrong !!!!!!

It also helps if you know how to adjust your stove's burn so you don't have a chimney constantly spewing a plume of smoke. We have " Johnny-come-lately " types here that don't know shit from shinola when it comes to burning wood .........or coal.

Yup. You should not see any smoke coming out of a wood stove pipe that is burning correctly.
Good to see you're coming out of your shell Mo. Don't be so shy and timid. Poking a stick is a break-through !!!!:rolleyes::D
You know that legislation is sponsored by the local natural gas and electric company!
I heard they are going to make change where new models have to run a propane afterburner to fully burn the output.
I heard they are going to make change where new models have to run a propane afterburner to fully burn the output.

I'm sure requiring catalytics is not too far in the distant future.
Its getting hard to stay positive with all the shit like this that goes on.....its insane how much intrusion the gubbermint has on ordinary citizens lives. Sometimes i just want to retreat into the woods and be done with it all.
That's right Phil. They intrude into regular " little peoples' "" lives - regardless of right or left side they're on, and force shit down our throats, but don't do the same to the big corporate political donors. Who gets the private " behind - closed - doors " meetings with the power brokers in Washington or gets their "ear " on a phone call or lunch at a private club ??? Little People - be they R or D or I or GP or polka-dot ??? Not hardly !!! The Federal clean air & water acts get rolled back so " good corporate citizens " can pollute more and put the savings on the profit sheet. Do they roll back auto emission standards for the avg. Joe ?? We can't empty a can of paint thinner at the base of a telephone pole after we clean a paint brush, but the good folks of corporate America can pump all kinds of shit into the ground or water after some bought & paid for agency head says " there's no harm to the public ". Only the people who can write REAL BIG checks get what they want. After election day and someone has our vote - our concerns are swirling down the hopper along with yesterday's breakfast.

BTW - if you're movin' to the woods........... save me a spot - - - if I don't get there first !!!!
That's right Phil. They intrude into regular " little peoples' "" lives - regardless of right or left side they're on, and force shit down our throats, but don't do the same to the big corporate political donors. Who gets the private " behind - closed - doors " meetings with the power brokers in Washington or gets their "ear " on a phone call or lunch at a private club ??? Little People - be they R or D or I or GP or polka-dot ??? Not hardly !!! The Federal clean air & water acts get rolled back so " good corporate citizens " can pollute more and put the savings on the profit sheet. Do they roll back auto emission standards for the avg. Joe ?? We can't empty a can of paint thinner at the base of a telephone pole after we clean a paint brush, but the good folks of corporate America can pump all kinds of shit into the ground or water after some bought & paid for agency head says " there's no harm to the public ". Only the people who can write REAL BIG checks get what they want. After election day and someone has our vote - our concerns are swirling down the hopper along with yesterday's breakfast.

BTW - if you're movin' to the woods........... save me a spot - - - if I don't get there first !!!!
technically i'm already there....I live in Sullivan County!
I love it when guys totally miss the point! Ha
The mn dnr has to be behind this, they are the root of all evil.
:mad::mad::mad: This pick on the " little guy " shit is long worn out to me. F**K politics and that right or left shit........... right is right and wrong is wrong !!!!!!
Once u really start believing this anger turns to:D
I would guess at some point the average American will have enough of our Govt and there will be another revolution. Everyday our govt takes one more step in telling its citizens exactly what they can and cant do. Not sure burning wood for heat will be the breaking point, but I wont be surprised when a couple EPA pencil pushers dont return from somebody's house who heats their home with wood.
Let's see, taxation without representation - lead to some pissed off folks telling the then ruling body to go "F' themselves is what pretty much this country was founded on if I recall properly.
Let's see, taxation without representation - lead to some pissed off folks telling the then ruling body to go "F' themselves is what pretty much this country was founded on if I recall properly.

We've been going down that road for 30+ years, pretty sure that's not gonna do it.
Yowza! Been sifting through for something to post on tonight. I'm gonna tag in on this one.

*Banning wood burning is insane. Perhaps in extremely dense neighborhoods, but even at that I see it as insanity. What happens when a natural gas line gets shut off or you can't get propane to your place or the power goes out and you can't fire up your baseboard heat? I wouldn't fathom building a home without putting in a wood fireplace. I'm not going to have my pipes burst cause somebody is afraid of natural smoke. It's about as scary as a cow fart. Anyone remember the people that died in the Connecticut blizzard about five years ago when the power went out for a few days?

*Wood smoke particulates are also helpful building blocks of precipitation. Moisture needs something to grab on to, to stimulate accumulation of a drop or snowflake.

*Government. Can't take it down from here. A fine web has been woven where there is nobody that doesn't get a direct or indirect line of subsidy from the government. Dollars don't bounce more than once or twice before they end up in everyone's pocket. Here are some examples:

-Road and bridge money. Cat doesn't build roads and bridges, but their equipment does.
-College grant money. Goes to students, ends up in the pockets of staff and construction companies.
-Food stamps and refundable tax credits. Doesn't get paid to walmart, but it ends up there.
-FHA loan guarantees? Not paid to realtors or builders, but it helps money flow more easily from banks, through eager buyers, and to the realtors, builders, and back to the banks.
-Where would casinos be without bus loads of senior citizens flush with social security dollars?
-The more poor people you have in your city or state, the more federal matching dollars get poured in for programs like medicaid, SNAP, and subsidized housing, which stimulates more work for police, social workers, special ed departments in public schools, and administrators for programs run by the city or county.

It's late. Let's start there. That really veered outta control. I wanted to make that point though. The first revolution was held when everybody was getting shafted by George. Way different today.
My electricity rates have been steadily climbing since 2007. The wizards of smart in MN decided they wanted to require 25% of their electricity come from green sources. When I was in Duluth, my total cost per Kw/h was 4.6 cents. When I left it was 8. In SD, now I'm paying almost 11. Then not too long ago, I heard the national average Kw/h rate is around 13. No wonder it's tough to manufacture here.
Seems like a lifetime ago......but, back in the 80's me and two other guys were manufacturing wood-burning central furnaces and boilers. A report came out of Michigan University about how burning wood caused cancer.....and that a home that burned wood was asking for troubles. I got out of the wood-burning biz.....and after hurting my back making wood.....decided that I was best-served doing other things to save a buck than burning wood.

I'd rather not live in a "hood" with lots of folks burring wood and have that odor everyday / all day. If you are in a rural area......go for it. In a city....or small town.....likely not. Still, I'd watch the carcinogens emitted by any stove in my own home. Just saying.