5 year old buck +
Local electric company is trimming trees / tree limbs along power lines that run along the front of my property.

Talked to the crew chief doing the work and asked if it would be any help for him to dump truckloads of chips in a big pile on my place and he said he was more than happy to do so, saving his trucks from having to drive quite a distance to where they otherwise would dump.
The wood chips are primarily going to be mixture of limbs from water oaks, sweetgums, hickory, and a bit of pine.
In the past I've done lots of mulching with truck loads of leaf litter I get from the parking lot at an office my wife and I run, but I've never used wood chips. That said, I've got no shortage of potential uses -- 24 pecan trees, 50 sawtooth oak trees, a dozen or so chestnut trees, 8 pear trees, and about 20 crabapple trees growing in my outer yard / fields, and closer to the house I've got a rosebed that is nice but constantly weedy, as well as 4 oriental persimmons, couple of peach trees, and a couple of fig trees. Everything I've listed has stayed relatively healthy to date with either occasional leaf mulching and / or just mowing tall grass down making a layer of hay around the trees. I'm in Florida, so everything can get a bit stressed during hot summers if we go a while without rain.
Looking for ALL tips and wisdom those of you who use wood chips can offer, such as any concerns I might should have on pH (our soils run acidic in general - in the mid 5 range if not limed), mulch aging (better to let age before application?), best tree species to use wood chips with and / or any to avoid, and all things I might not be considering?
MUCH appreciate any / all advice.

Talked to the crew chief doing the work and asked if it would be any help for him to dump truckloads of chips in a big pile on my place and he said he was more than happy to do so, saving his trucks from having to drive quite a distance to where they otherwise would dump.
The wood chips are primarily going to be mixture of limbs from water oaks, sweetgums, hickory, and a bit of pine.
In the past I've done lots of mulching with truck loads of leaf litter I get from the parking lot at an office my wife and I run, but I've never used wood chips. That said, I've got no shortage of potential uses -- 24 pecan trees, 50 sawtooth oak trees, a dozen or so chestnut trees, 8 pear trees, and about 20 crabapple trees growing in my outer yard / fields, and closer to the house I've got a rosebed that is nice but constantly weedy, as well as 4 oriental persimmons, couple of peach trees, and a couple of fig trees. Everything I've listed has stayed relatively healthy to date with either occasional leaf mulching and / or just mowing tall grass down making a layer of hay around the trees. I'm in Florida, so everything can get a bit stressed during hot summers if we go a while without rain.
Looking for ALL tips and wisdom those of you who use wood chips can offer, such as any concerns I might should have on pH (our soils run acidic in general - in the mid 5 range if not limed), mulch aging (better to let age before application?), best tree species to use wood chips with and / or any to avoid, and all things I might not be considering?
MUCH appreciate any / all advice.