

5 year old buck +
Anyone here ever look for fossils? If so - share your thoughts.

Our one son and I took a break while grouse hunting one day near a strip coal mine. We were sitting in the sun eating snacks, when I looked down and saw the imprints of ferns and grasses on some shale pieces. We started scouring the shale banks where we were sitting, and found imprints of wood, stems, leaves, and a lot of ferns. Didn't find any critter tracks or skeletons that day - but I was amazed at the things we found - maybe not exposed / seen in millions of years? I've read of folks sifting the rocks from highway cuts into hills and mountains and finding nice specimens.
I found a bunch of fossilized ferns when working out West. I only kept one for my office. They were everywhere.

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Where I hunt WAS all farm land, stone fence lined fields, made in the 1700's. All loaded with fossils, though mostly Brachiopods.
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Wow you guys have some awesome ones..we find very distinct and clear starfish fossils in our one patch of woods that is at like 1200’ of elevation..