Wood stove


5 year old buck +
So I found some mini wood stoves online that I was thinking I might buy for my shed that I am kind of turning into a camp. It is one that can be moved if need be. (Tent stove). It has A 4” pipe. Has anyone installed a wood stove? I guess I can get on you tube too. Do I need double walled inside and outside? based off the wall anchors, it seems like it would be within 6” of the outside wall of the shed. Obviously I would only use this when it’s 40-45 degrees and lower. Can someone point me to a good place to buy the piping? Also, any tips would be appreciate.
Menards, Home Depot & similar stores sell the piping you will need. The double-walled is needed only where it goes through the roof, and I would consider the double-wall section with the flashing built in. It should keep you warm and toasty. We heat our house with a wood stove and love it. The pics below are not 4", but do show the parts that are similar to what we are using.

Get some cement board to put up behind the stove.

Those tent stove are meant to be lightweight. Use them alot and you might have metal problems. Get the bigger model if possible and put firebrick in there
Not sure what “a lot“ means. I’m thinking maybe 2 weeks or so a year? 3 days in a row? Only about 140 sq feet or so.
yukon stoves you should be ok then. Stoves are a fraction of the thickness of a regular stove. Wish someone would make those cast iron pot belly types. Don't need it personally, bt they save on space, especially back when they were made when houses were small.

IF the space gets too hot, try putting 2 dampers in the pipe.
Not sure what “a lot“ means. I’m thinking maybe 2 weeks or so a year? 3 days in a row? Only about 140 sq feet or so.
A tent stove should be fine for your use and purpose. We used a Herter's Tent Stove to heat a camper (not recommended) with similar square footage back when I was young and, well, not so smart. It did a great job of keeping us from freezing in January northern Minnesota weather.