What do think might cause this?


5 year old buck +

What do you think might cause this?
I’ve never seen that on wild free ranging deer but have on the bucks on the hunting TV shows. I always thought it was caused by rubbing on the wire fences in game farm enclosures. Could it be mange?

What do you think might cause this?

We had some deer that had slipping coats this past fall. No idea ?

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I’ve never seen that on wild free ranging deer but have on the bucks on the hunting TV shows. I always thought it was caused by rubbing on the wire fences in game farm enclosures. Could it be mange?
I thought it might be mange. There are quite a few mangy looking foxes around. I'm not sure how it affects deer though.
IF it's nly on one side, It could be scars from some sort of accident. Running away on pavement and wiping out., mangled up on a fence, or a brush with a car. Sometimes they do dumb things like run into stuff too. Deer looks pretty healthy otherwise.
