Do you remember it being colder

If this was the case, our geopolitical adversaries wouldn't also be worried about it. Small developing countries wouldn't be spending resources to study or prepare for it that would otherwise be better spent on developing their economies or raising their standard of living. Our Navy wouldn't create climate change action plans or consider it among the most important threats.

It doesn't have to be a conspiracy. For those that are doubtful that climate change is A) actually happening, and B) at least worsened by humans, genuinely ask yourselves what amount of evidence would change your mind. Ok, now how much time have you spent trying to find that amount of evidence?

There was a time when I was skeptical about humanity affecting something as large as our planet. I spent 5 years completing a PhD related to climate change - my dissertation was on soil carbon sequestration as a means for reducing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. I got into it more from a soil health/quality standpoint, but quickly realized that I wanted it to be a hoax and overblown, and what I wanted wasn't a reality.

To say climate change is happening is like saying water is wet. The climate has been changing since the planet first formed. I just don't agree with the hair on fire lunatics' that say we are on the edge of doom . . . and we are always just 10 years away from the planet collapsing.

Yes, humans and their needs impact the planet, sometimes bad and sometimes good, nature of the relationship.

Regarding evidence showing man is making climate change worse, ask yourself the question which is worse A) strip mining an area for coal or bitumen (oil sands), then replacing all the fill dirt and replanting with trees, or B) Gov't policies restricting timber land management & logging on forest lands, which leads to over grown forests with lots of dry brush, leading to uncontrolled wildfires burning millions of acres? Or here is another good one , which is more important A) protecting birds and their migratory patterns, or B) Building wind farms, that at best are unreliable power when they are working, that kill millions of birds every year? Or how about eliminating the use of gas appliances and HVAC systems and forcing people to use electric?

Are you aware that open pit mining is required to procure the rare earth minerals required for your cellphone, tablet, etc.?

I firmly believe that the political side of climate change is is about controlling capital and excessive taxation, and then controlling people and their choices. Forcing industry to prematurely obsolete carbon based fuel vehicles, and to accelerate production of electric vehicles without a charging station distribution infrastructure is evidence of that.

Hoyt, you are obviously an intelligent guy. Always remember that scientific solutions and conclusions still have to be practical and have the ability to be integrated into society so there is balance and an ability to adjust to the changes.

If we could only get those damn cows to stop farting, maybe they are on the Navy's threat assessment list. 🙄😁
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Here is some food for thought. I’ve never bought into the man made global warming idea. You have some tie and interest watch Climate the movie (YouTube. Lot of experts that are saying the whole hoax is unraveling.
Maybe we should be more concerned about the amount of garbage and plastics on this earth. We need a better way to deal with waste. Far more important than what the politicians want to jam down our throats.

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I’m with you on garbage and plastics. Trash is a huge problem. I believe in recycling things that don’t break down in nature. I believe in ridding the use of forever particles and chemicals.

CO2 levels follow warming, they don’t lead it or cause it. That has been show over and over.
I started a thread on exactly this topic a couple months ago, global cooling ;

"Bored at work today I did a deep dive into the other side of global warming. Lots of "science" is covered up and harder to find on the net buried and hidden away because it doesn't fit the narrative right now of windmills, solar fields and EV's or pouring money into killing the use of fossil fuels as defined in the Parris agreement that has funneled billions of dollars into it. And helping to keep the public in line like sheep. Also, any whisper of global cooling or just plain old climate swings conflicts with everything the MSM and political machines preach these days.

I know that we kicked this topic around this winter some...this weeks hot temps and stuffy humidity made me think about it again while sitting here. It's hot...and it's June, imagine that!
The crops are sure soaking it up, we have waist high corn here already and farmers were cutting wheat and bailing last week double cropping beans in as fast as the bails were loaded...seems a little early. I'm just glad I'm not on the wagon or in the mow these days...although I do miss it some.

Just to throw in some of that pesky contradictory science:

Increasing Cold Extremes Worldwide: Is Global Cooling on the way? | Frontier Centre For Public Policy

Earth's 'Fever' Breaks: Global COOLING Currently Under Way

[Disclaimer: Since there is no "normal" temperature of the Earth, there is no way the Earth can have a "fever." The headline's reference to "fever" is for amusement purposes only.] A sampling of recent articles detailing the inconvenient reality of temperature trends around the planet. News...

To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here

Faith in global warming is collapsing around the world.

Global Warming: Media Ignore Sharp Drop In Global Temperatures Over Past Two Years

NASA data show that global temperatures dropped sharply over the past two years, which would seem contrary to global warming predictions. Not that you'd know it, since that wasn't deemed news.

Milankovitch (Orbital) Cycles and Their Role in Earth's Climate - NASA Science

Small cyclical variations in the shape of Earth's orbit, its wobble and the angle its axis is tilted play key roles in influencing Earth's climate over timespans of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years.

Global cooling? - PubMed

The world's inhabitants, including Scientists, live primarily in the Northern Hemisphere. It is quite natural to be concerned about events that occur close to home and neglect faraway events. Hence, it is not surprising that so little attention has been given to the Southern Hemisphere. Evidence...

Earth can regulate its own temperature over millennia, new study finds

MIT researchers have confirmed that Earth harbors a “stabilizing feedback” mechanism that acts over hundreds of thousands of years to keep global temperatures within a steady, habitable range.

What Happens AFTER Global Warming?

What happens to our heat-trapping fossil fuel emissions after we release them, how long will they persist, and what might life be like in a warming - and then cooling - world?"

"You don't judge a persons wealth by the size of their bank account, judge it by the feet under their table." - My Dad
Hard to get on board with the climate agenda when the people preaching to us to stop polluting are doing the most polluting. Flying planes all over to save their precious time while we're supposed to sit and wait for batteries to charge while still using fossil fuels to create most of the electricity is annoying to say the least. We aren't GOD and can't just control the temperature of the planet. For sure not when it's not a complete global effort. We make cleaner air here and the wind blows our clean air somewhere else and we get someone else's polluted dirty air. AGENDA and $$$$$$$$$$. Always follow the money. jmho
Typical. Above average temps always prove global warming, but a cold anap is meaningless.
Typical. Above average temps always prove global warming, but a cold anap is meaningless.
No not typical. The facts are the globe is warming from some point in time that man could keep records. I presented a fact. Average for my area is 49 days. This year is 66. 2019 was 99. If you have a fact about it being below average I’d love to see it. The one fact I haven’t seen is why. This is a thread about the observation of that. It’s not an endorsement for Kamala or the green new deal or whatever looney policy they want to use to regulate our behavior. It’s ok for weather to not be political.
I got 4 more days above 90 and then high 60 something! Low in the 40’s. All the donkeys gonna come out to play and RUIN the scrapes!

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How big is that tv screen?! It's gotta put out some heat!
How big is that tv screen?! It's gotta put out some heat!
I want to know why he cut off half the eye candy. Unacceptable!
I agree she could of been causing some of the warming
I honestly thought about getting the whole shot but my wife was lingering behind me! She’s older but put together nicely…the weather lady not my wife.
10/25. Can y’all please hold in your farts and buy Priuses. I can’t hunt like this
Do as I say not as I do
The 30’s must have brutal.


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