Tree Spud
5 year old buck +
If this was the case, our geopolitical adversaries wouldn't also be worried about it. Small developing countries wouldn't be spending resources to study or prepare for it that would otherwise be better spent on developing their economies or raising their standard of living. Our Navy wouldn't create climate change action plans or consider it among the most important threats.
It doesn't have to be a conspiracy. For those that are doubtful that climate change is A) actually happening, and B) at least worsened by humans, genuinely ask yourselves what amount of evidence would change your mind. Ok, now how much time have you spent trying to find that amount of evidence?
There was a time when I was skeptical about humanity affecting something as large as our planet. I spent 5 years completing a PhD related to climate change - my dissertation was on soil carbon sequestration as a means for reducing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. I got into it more from a soil health/quality standpoint, but quickly realized that I wanted it to be a hoax and overblown, and what I wanted wasn't a reality.
To say climate change is happening is like saying water is wet. The climate has been changing since the planet first formed. I just don't agree with the hair on fire lunatics' that say we are on the edge of doom . . . and we are always just 10 years away from the planet collapsing.
Yes, humans and their needs impact the planet, sometimes bad and sometimes good, nature of the relationship.
Regarding evidence showing man is making climate change worse, ask yourself the question which is worse A) strip mining an area for coal or bitumen (oil sands), then replacing all the fill dirt and replanting with trees, or B) Gov't policies restricting timber land management & logging on forest lands, which leads to over grown forests with lots of dry brush, leading to uncontrolled wildfires burning millions of acres? Or here is another good one , which is more important A) protecting birds and their migratory patterns, or B) Building wind farms, that at best are unreliable power when they are working, that kill millions of birds every year? Or how about eliminating the use of gas appliances and HVAC systems and forcing people to use electric?
Are you aware that open pit mining is required to procure the rare earth minerals required for your cellphone, tablet, etc.?
I firmly believe that the political side of climate change is is about controlling capital and excessive taxation, and then controlling people and their choices. Forcing industry to prematurely obsolete carbon based fuel vehicles, and to accelerate production of electric vehicles without a charging station distribution infrastructure is evidence of that.
Hoyt, you are obviously an intelligent guy. Always remember that scientific solutions and conclusions still have to be practical and have the ability to be integrated into society so there is balance and an ability to adjust to the changes.
If we could only get those damn cows to stop farting, maybe they are on the Navy's threat assessment list.

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