Said this in an earlier post but my dad said in the early 80’s they would snowmobile from November to March outside of the Twin cities. Bet people couldn’t find 2 weeks to sled there nowWhen I was the kid the snow as continually above my waist.
Probably because of changes in land use. There was a study a few years ago that showed that the human memory can only accurately recall weather up to 3 years past, then it was garbage. I know that first hand, but I can accurately recall the past several ENSO cycles because we always remember the big events. Flooding and drought is normal.Said this in an earlier post but my dad said in the early 80’s they would snowmobile from November to March outside of the Twin cities. Bet people couldn’t find 2 weeks to sled there now
They are calling for somewhere between 5 and 8 “. Going to put some corn out now to see if i can bait some hogs up. They typically get on corn pretty good in snow but we have t had many around latelyThink we are about to get some. @SwampCat aren’t you getting hit too or to far south?
Here I am in Northern Wisconsin, and may have 1/4" on the ground, maybe 4 inches year to date.Weather Service said somewhere between 14”-18”. It blew and drifted so bad it’s hard to tell exactly. Some spots in the yard have grass showing and some are 4’ deep.
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Here I am in Northern Wisconsin, and may have 1/4" on the ground, maybe 4 inches year to date.
Yea we told the 2 youngest that it has never snowed this much in a single day since they were born. I really don't care to break that record any time soon.Weather Service said somewhere between 14”-18”. It blew and drifted so bad it’s hard to tell exactly. Some spots in the yard have grass showing and some are 4’ deep.
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Since nobody has called you out on this, I felt it was my duty to respond ... my cousin Vinny will send you a P.O. Box address that you should send send $300 and your best shotgun to. OTHERWISE, this talk about hole shots and who's put together in what fashion may become more public in short order ....I honestly thought about getting the whole shot but my wife was lingering behind me! She’s older but put together nicely…the weather lady not my wife.
Gulf of Who?I sat in on a presentation today at work about the tropicalization of coastal habitat in the Gulf of Mexico. Low winter temperatures control the spread of southern plant species that are currently expanding northward. The presenter mentioned the County Level Minimum Temperature Explorer that allows you plot the number of days below freezing for your county, the coldest minimum temperature for the year, and the warmest minimum temperature. It will also tell you the rate of change by decade for the county of interest. The site graphically displays data back to the 1950s showing whether it was colder in the past for your particular area.