There is so much to consider on this. Every thing that has ever lived on this planet left its fingerprint on it. Everything no matter how long or brief. That being said, we can only control what we can control. I can’t help it that I choose to take my used motor oil in to be recycled and somewhere in Beijing someone is dumping theirs straight into a river. It sucks, but I can only do my part.
I’d like to have a super efficient house with solar panels on the roof and a windmill. And hopefully someday I will. We are conscious of our water use even though our neighbors fill a 1000 gallon pool even in the worst of droughts. I found some plastic baling twine in one of our fields a few years ago. That field hadn’t been baled in over 20 years and the twine looked brand new. Seems it doesn’t break down too easily. I made a decision that day to limit my use of plastics as much as possible. Can it be zero? No. But I can do my part even though there is a fish market in Japan that will produce more plastic waste in a day than I could in 10 lifetimes…
All the mandates put on us by our government will just shift the effect, it won’t eliminate it. I’m not a doomsayer, but I do think we can all do a little bit better in some aspect. I always try to do my part even if I know it isn’t really doing any good.
Basic biology would suggest the Earth has a carrying capacity. I have no idea what it might be or if we are anywhere near it. But I do know that our population isn’t going down so whatever it is, we are getting closer every day. I just think the right thing to do is make my footprint here as minimal as I can while still enjoying things. Fortunately I enjoy doing things that are a net positive. At least current understanding is they are positive.
Oh, and it does seem hotter than I remember…
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