Do you remember it being colder

This paper says the water from Tonga volcano warms the earth for a couple of years. Probably why you northern guys are having a warm winter.

Why is media not talking about this. Volcanoes aren’t sexy and don’t sell carbon credits. Politicians also don’t have control over volcanoes. They want control more than money.

We have to stop the madness and follow the science. Not the hysteria.
Just for whatever it's worth... developing El Nino pattern looks to be a sensible explanation for some observations in this thread. 👍

El Nino.jpg

February Outlook.jpg
It’s hot…and not just for February, it’s hot and it happens to be February. I have the a/c blaring in my truck.
Applying for a Colorado elk tag today. Said they were adjusting the season due to the 2023 harsh winter.

It’s cyclical my man. For every you there is someone else getting blasted with snow.
Asia and Australia are having record cold winters. The US is having such a crazy winter because of how the jet stream is moving this winter.
This is likely going to be the warmest winter on record for Western New York...three days to go, but with temperatures forecast to be 20 degrees above normal, I think it's a lock. Last year was also in the top ten. Interestingly, there wasn't much snow either year, and you'd expect that the lack of ice cover on the Great Lakes would allow for more lake-effect

I know that Australia has seem some wicked weather the past few years too, as that's where my wife is from. There's no doubt that the overall trend is upwards globally, but how that plays out locally remains to be seen. There's some who've said that Western New York is a climate oasis. Okay. The only thing I know for sure is it's epicenter for the eclipse on my wife's birthday, and a couple local breweries are making interesting beers to celebrate (the eclipse - not my wife lol). So...tree planting party April 8th! The way this winter has been, it could be eighty degrees.
Just watched a video of some guys snowmobiling in revelstoke BC. They were sledding over dirt until about 4500’. Then they got to crust snow…in Feb. It’s 62 degrees this am before sunup here.
Just watched a video of some guys snowmobiling in revelstoke BC. They were sledding over dirt until about 4500’. Then they got to crust snow…in Feb. It’s 62 degrees this am before sunup here.
When jet stream shifts next year and yall are frozen and covered in snow, will you be as diligent to come here and post it?
When jet stream shifts next year and yall are frozen and covered in snow, will you be as diligent to come here and post it?
Of course they will, because in their special way of thinking, any divergence from the statistical average proves their opinion. Simple minded thinking about complex systems.
Of course they will, because in their special way of thinking, any divergence from the statistical average proves their opinion. Simple minded thinking about complex systems.
The opinion that it’s getting warmer? That’s a fact. A measurable one. Now you can see where I’ve specifically said I have no idea what’s causing it. But here’s some cold hard truth…neither do you. So for someone to speak in absolutes, one way or the other, is ignorant.
Here are record highs in Kentucky over a long period. Doesn’t look like right now is the warmest time at all?

I don’t trust this “record warms”. It was much hotter in the fifties and early 2000s than now where you are.

It's difficult to separate period shifts in climate from long term changes. It's proved to be near impossible in this discussion. One might quibble about the mathematical methods used to determine such things. I do it But at the end of it I know I am just wasting my time, After listening for years and studying, a term I use loosely, I'm convinced that the average global temperature is on a long-run rise. You don't even need to get into a dog fight over causes because the implications are the same.

I hate averages. That's the number usually quoted about rising temperatures around the globe. But, there ARE small areas where long-term temperatures are cooler. But where it's hotter, it's really hot. Think India and cities and countries around the equator. What happens IF those places become uninhabitable? For a moment, just for a moment stop the argument and think about what happens if this is true? Mass migration. AND it won't be stopped by a wall. Nobody really wins in a war. This is not meant to be alarmist. But I think it best to think of the implications if global warming is true...regardless of why it is. I have a giant box of Burpee seeds!
It’s simple science Brian!
We know for a stone cold fact that if humans had never existed, this graph would look exactly the same.
The formula for where the science is taking us is clear. We have to get rid of a bunch of people, or starve them, or impoverish them, or eliminate abundant and affordable energy.

All of those are underway. War, dying suddenly, turbo cancers, degeneracy, sterilization, food, drugs, water, inflation, despair, are all doing the work of getting the “P” under control.

I’m not quite so negative on the future. But if u buy into any idea that involves giving the wealth of the plane to pedophile trillionaires, you’re gonna get what they’re promising.

This is the formula for eliminating the useless eaters.

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And there won’t be a vote on it. It’s just going to happen one baffling mystery at a time.

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