In my 'hood" the rabbits will eat prickly pear given the chance. There is so much water stored in the prickly pear.....I doubt they need any thing more. I just caged two prickly pear that we had recently planted.....due to rabbits munching on them. LOTS of wildlife here in the desert. Even here in my hood we have lots of various Waterfowl, bobcats, rabbits, quail, owls, coyotes. The coyotes get several dogs each month.....and "dog people" keep their yards fenced. Even so, the coyotes will get the dogs here. Most days you see rabbit fur on the golf course. That is the main diet. Recently the bobcat population has "exploded". Easy Pickens around here for food. Even I could run down a quail or a rabbit, if I was hungry enough.