First it was "the earth is not actually warming".
Then it was "well, the earth is warming, but it was doing that anyways and humans aren't the cause".
Next it will become, "human's might be causing it but there is nothing we can do about it" or "it is too expensive to address now...spilt milk and all that".
People can debate the extent that human's are affecting our climate. Experimental models will try and predict to what extent that effect is having on the climate, and they will tend to get more accurate over time as more data are collected. In the meantime, instead of debating about what can be done from a public policy standpoint, we are having to spend time and energy debating if it is even happening. I don't think you have to be a climate alarmist and think the sky is falling or our kids' generations are permanently screwed because you acknowledge a near consensus among scientists. Healthy skepticism is a great thing. At this point, there are industries (and people running blogs/websites) that benefit from being counter to what the rest of the world thinks is going on.
This is an interesting post. I call it flipping the script coupled with projection.
There is no scientific consensus, and that is not how science works. That is how propaganda and gas lighting works.
As soon as someone insists that they have the one true science, you know they are practicing a religion. Science is very much all about questioning the current understanding and status quo. Otherwise, you end up throwing virgins in volcanoes believing the gods will make the weather nice.
This climate bullshit is one of the oldest games on the planet.