from my experience, adding food plots to a property, greatly increase its ability to draw and hold deer and other wildlife that eats what you plant
from there, doing selective timbering, and restoration to the forested area's you have
one of the maybe least talked about things to do, is start a good relationship with surrounding land owners, if possible
as if you don't start to get neighbors doing the same QDM< and you DON"T own huge amounts of land
all your efforts can be very frustrating, when deer just don't STAY on your land and one's your passing on trying to get a age structure with, get killed off your land
SO< having good neighbors that want like things, and are willing to work together is a HUGE part of having a great property or NOT!
NEXT is keeping out trespasser's
still have NOT found a great way to handle this if you DON"T live on the property, seems generation deep ways , some folks refuse to stop doing!
which then means you really need to have good relationships with local law enforcement to help, and even that isn't a huge help from my experience!
I've had to move off properties, due to excessive trespassing and no help from law enforcement, they tend to view trespassing as a SMALL crime too small to deal with with effort!
so< NOT maybe the above are not, " a habitat project"
per say!
, but unless you have these things,
building the habitat can possible be just wasted money and effort!