The dipper way. A few random pics.
View attachment 1968
Roundup Ready Alfalfa that had winter rye last fall broadcasted, went in mowed the Rye off middle of July, mowed 2 more times then spread the Nitro Radish. No fert or soil test.
View attachment 1969
My High Tech Seeder, I can get the seeder up high and over the weeds when using the "Dipper Way" Free seed also, so I put on 150lbs of beans to the acre.
View attachment 1970
Seeding into a virgin field. Still have a few things to learn with this method but I get better every year.
View attachment 1971
Beans were spread then mowed.
View attachment 1972
I had to end up cheating, and work the plot. I think when I mowed the tall weeds down and they created a mulch affect and the beans just laid there. When I went back in to till the plot up at the end of July I was seeing beans that only swelled
and didn't germinate. They got about 6-10 inches of rain between June 1 and July 28, so I know moisture wasn't an issue. Plot only got sprayed with Roundup twice so it wasn't from chemical damage. Anyway live and learn. So I didn't like a sparse stand of beans, and fixed it.
This plot didn't get a soil test or any fert put on.
This is "Brandon's Blend" Beans, Rye, Oats, Wheat, Peas, and a touch of Nitro Radishes.