Current Political News

Watch what happens with Russia and Putin with T helping them / him. Invasion of more of Europe - re-building the old Soviet Union - and then taking the rest of Europe. Repeat of 1939 and Hitler, IMO. ------- Then what??? WW3 on the way before long.

By the comments I've seen on here, some don't know their world history. And please don't post a fictional re-writing of real, actual history ....... claiming that all past factual events & knowledge is "brainwashing." That claim only materialized in the last 8 years. No Republican or Democratic administration before now has EVER sided with Russia / Putin, China / Xi Jinping, N. Korea / Kim Jung Un ............... until now.

MTG just recently questioned why / who ever said Russia was an enemy of the U.S. She thinks it's all crap. She's batsh crazy. Patton didn't think so at the end of WW II. He wanted to take Russia on right then because he could see they were the next big enemy of the U.S. and the free world.

It won't be a joke when our young people will be sent off to another world war started by Russia in Europe - to fight another war started by 2 or 3 greedy, power-hungry a$$-poles. "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
Interesting how we can get different lessons from the same history.
What makes you think all that will happen?
There was one truly tough guy in the oval office this week, and one bully. History will tell who was who. Just one mans opinion.
Watch what happens with Russia and Putin with T helping them / him. Invasion of more of Europe - re-building the old Soviet Union - and then taking the rest of Europe. Repeat of 1939 and Hitler, IMO. ------- Then what??? WW3 on the way before long.

By the comments I've seen on here, some don't know their world history. And please don't post a fictional re-writing of real, actual history ....... claiming that all past factual events & knowledge is "brainwashing." That claim only materialized in the last 8 years. No Republican or Democratic administration before now has EVER sided with Russia / Putin, China / Xi Jinping, N. Korea / Kim Jung Un ............... until now.

MTG just recently questioned why / who ever said Russia was an enemy of the U.S. She thinks it's all crap. She's batsh crazy. Patton didn't think so at the end of WW II. He wanted to take Russia on right then because he could see they were the next big enemy of the U.S. and the free world.

It won't be a joke when our young people will be sent off to another world war started by Russia in Europe - to fight another war started by 2 or 3 greedy, power-hungry a$$-poles. "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
How long are you willing to fund the war in Ukraine? Do you think continually funding their war will save more Ukrainians or kill more? I see no way Ukraine can stop losing more land and soldiers going up against a larger country with meat grinder tactics.

What could we give them in the next year that would take back the land they lost without starting WW3? I don’t see any way Ukraine can hold what they have, much less actually take back anything they have lost.
Watch what happens with Russia and Putin with T helping them / him. Invasion of more of Europe - re-building the old Soviet Union - and then taking the rest of Europe. Repeat of 1939 and Hitler, IMO. ------- Then what??? WW3 on the way before long.

By the comments I've seen on here, some don't know their world history. And please don't post a fictional re-writing of real, actual history ....... claiming that all past factual events & knowledge is "brainwashing." That claim only materialized in the last 8 years. No Republican or Democratic administration before now has EVER sided with Russia / Putin, China / Xi Jinping, N. Korea / Kim Jung Un ............... until now.

MTG just recently questioned why / who ever said Russia was an enemy of the U.S. She thinks it's all crap. She's batsh crazy. Patton didn't think so at the end of WW II. He wanted to take Russia on right then because he could see they were the next big enemy of the U.S. and the free world.

It won't be a joke when our young people will be sent off to another world war started by Russia in Europe - to fight another war started by 2 or 3 greedy, power-hungry a$$-poles. "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
I was a former history teacher for 7 years . I know the history . You are simply wrong. Zero chance Russia tries to invade another country besides Ukraine (which he invaded because we had a weak leader-Biden).

You are just throwing out darts because you are liberal and hate Trump . The Democrats care about Ukraine for financial reasons only. Kickbacks .

Watch it play out, I guarantee Trumps approach will be better than Biden. Let’s keep track of deaths under each President see who does better . 1 million + for Biden .
Watch what happens with Russia and Putin with T helping them / him. Invasion of more of Europe - re-building the old Soviet Union - and then taking the rest of Europe. Repeat of 1939 and Hitler, IMO. ------- Then what??? WW3 on the way before long.

By the comments I've seen on here, some don't know their world history. And please don't post a fictional re-writing of real, actual history ....... claiming that all past factual events & knowledge is "brainwashing." That claim only materialized in the last 8 years. No Republican or Democratic administration before now has EVER sided with Russia / Putin, China / Xi Jinping, N. Korea / Kim Jung Un ............... until now.

MTG just recently questioned why / who ever said Russia was an enemy of the U.S. She thinks it's all crap. She's batsh crazy. Patton didn't think so at the end of WW II. He wanted to take Russia on right then because he could see they were the next big enemy of the U.S. and the free world.

It won't be a joke when our young people will be sent off to another world war started by Russia in Europe - to fight another war started by 2 or 3 greedy, power-hungry a$$-poles. "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
Ok CNN, so what’s your plan to end the war? Your post is just a lot of what if ‘s and maybe’s. Other than CNN saying it, what proof do you have that Trump is in any way helping Russia?
No. There may be a freeze or two left. Just need some frost not a hard freeze anyway. But get on it soon.

But depending on what you’re planting you may not even need to frost seed. Even clover can be planted in the spring. Works really well if planted with oats as a nurse crop. Just let the oats run their coarse before ever even mowing.
But depending on what you’re planting you may not even need to frost seed. Even clover can be planted in the spring. Works really well if planted with oats as a nurse crop. Just let the oats run their coarse before ever even mowing.

How about bushy bluestem?
I’ve got some seed and was wondering if I needed to have some decent cold to get it to germinate good and might have missed my window.
As frost seeding goes the seed will only germinate when there's enough water and heat. Most likely a rain which will push the seed down and the heat to germinate the seed. Making the argument that frost gets the seed deeper in the soil than rain I don't buy it.
But depending on what you’re planting you may not even need to frost seed. Even clover can be planted in the spring. Works really well if planted with oats as a nurse crop. Just let the oats run their coarse before ever even mowing.

Clover. I have rye growing from last fall and was wondering if overseeing with clover would require frost or just a rain. The rye should be thin enough to allow the clover some room.

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Clover. I have rye growing from last fall and was wondering if overseeing with clover would require frost or just a rain. The rye should be thin enough to allow the clover some room.

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Could we get back on topic please? 😆 👍
Certain clovers do not frost seed well. Sometimes frosts kill the young clovers. Need to do your homework if it's not a commonly used clover. I do not have any major faith in frost seeding clover. I don't expect a huge turnaround of plot if you do it. I still do forst seed most winters. Killing existing vegetation, preparing a seed bed, and putting seed at a decent depth at a decent time of the year is by far the best way to make a plot the way you want quickly.

Far as wandering back towards the topic. If the political or economic climate looks that bad, plant turnips. Atleast you'll have something to eat through the winter besides venison.

Russia is not the machine it once was. Both sides are hurting bad. Applying / relaxing sanctions or giving incentives to temporarily stop or noticeably cut back war actions is a tool of a wise leader. It is not to gain favor to any one side. Every mother of dead soldier around the world is suffering just as much as one in Ukraine.

What is a real threat when the Eastern half of the world gangs up on you. Russia plus a good chunk of Asia. To an extent that is going on.
Speaking of history, how come no one wants to mention the 2014 CIA Color coup in Ukraine? Going to go frost seed some clover into my existing plots and plan to plant additional clover and chicory with some oats. I got all 3 topics 😆
Today on Meet The Press both Mike Johnson and Jim Lankford said Russia is the enemy and we want to defeat them. I’m encouraged by that. I always like hearing what Lankford has to say, they have him on quite a bit.

Also mentioned- I did not remember that Zelenski also pissed off Biden, (behind closed doors though). At least Zelenski is bi-partisan that way lol.
Clover. I have rye growing from last fall and was wondering if overseeing with clover would require frost or just a rain. The rye should be thin enough to allow the clover some room.

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Just rain and it will work great. If you get a good stand of clover in it don’t even mow the rye after it terminates. I did that once and waited until early September to mow it. Dead rye shells shade the clover when it gets hot and dry.
Spent some time reviewing the history of Russia and NATO this afternoon. Here is a pretty good cliff notes version on events via Wikipedia. Good to refresh how we got to this point.

How about bushy bluestem?
I’ve got some seed and was wondering if I needed to have some decent cold to get it to germinate good and might have missed my window.
I bet it would be OK. It won't germinate for quite a while. lots of time for it reach dirt.
Spent some time reviewing the history of Russia and NATO this afternoon. Here is a pretty good cliff notes version on events via Wikipedia. Good to refresh how we got to this point.

That is one hell of a read. I got up to 2015 and will finish in the morning and probably start over at the beginning. Absolutely fascinating how complex the U.S./Russian/NATO relationship is.
Spent some time reviewing the history of Russia and NATO this afternoon. Here is a pretty good cliff notes version on events via Wikipedia. Good to refresh how we got to this point.

Here's a quick video watch of the same story with maps. It leaves out a bunch of stuff that happened after the 2014 overthrow, but the core concepts are there.
