Current Political News

I just don't get the Trump Putin puppet crap. Seems like threading a needle to avoid ww3. No one alive right now is better suited than Trump to nip this in the bud. He would totally stone cold stunner both Putin and Z in a heartbeat and everyone who is being honest knows it. He's going to fix this - I'll bet on it. Then the next idiot can come along to screw it up again. It's well documented all the actions to get us where we are. Mostly bad stuff by all involved. That'll never change til the end of time. Peace is temporary.
I fear you are right. Too much corruption baked into that whole area....and those in power are addicted to the need to keep that power. ....pretty much like many of our past administration and their cronies. As a small example of how busted the USA is: Just recently 100% of the Democrats voted AGAINST dis-allowing transvestite MEN from participating in women's sports. WTF is wrong with these idiots.

Too many of our politicians come to Washington with nearly zero net worth....yet become multi-millionaires in a few years. How does that happen on Government pay? If it fly's like a duck, has webbed feet like a duck, and a long neck with a big bill.....and goes "quack, quack"....good chances are you just seen a duck.
I just cant get over all of the anti russia talk. Maybe it;s just an age thing. Ukrane is being run by a comunist dictator that is fighting alongside noth korea which is also run by a comunist dictator. Nothing but pure evil and coruption comes from ukrane and the comunist leaded Joe Biden wanted nothing more than your tax dollars going to Ukrane to be washed and returned right back into his hands.

We need to make an ally out of Russia ( just not before WWIII) We need to avoid this conflict at all costs!!!
Oh and btw I can easily not click on the post that says Politics im out dont care what it has to say.
I just cant get over all of the anti russia talk. Maybe it;s just an age thing. Ukrane is being run by a comunist dictator that is fighting alongside noth korea which is also run by a comunist dictator. Nothing but pure evil and coruption comes from ukrane and the comunist leaded Joe Biden wanted nothing more than your tax dollars going to Ukrane to be washed and returned right back into his hands.

We need to make an ally out of Russia ( just not before WWIII) We need to avoid this conflict at all costs!!!

Hey S.T. Fanatic. I am the exact opposite. I don't understand all the Putin-bro-love and pro-Russia sentiment. When did it become fashionable for traditionally more hawkish conservatives to become doves, especially regarding the Russians?

The Soviet Union (modern day Russia) has been a thorn in the side of the world since the end of WWII. The amount of misery, and strife, and proxy-wars they have been involved with for the past 80 years is staggering. Putin (former KGB) and his oligarch cronies are as murderous and corrupt as they come. Putin is a joke, a thug, a dictator.

But I have learned a lot by reading this thread...and I see why many of you want to end support for Ukraine. I did not know, for example, that Ukraine was one of the most corrupt counties in Europe. So, I am open to the reasons why all many of you guys are against Ukraine. I guess for me it comes down to which country is the lesser of two evils? To me, the answer couldn't be clearer. mentioned that Ukraine is fighting alongside the North Koreans? Maybe I read that wrong? But it's Russia who is using North Koreans in the war.
Every list that comes up when searching corruption has Russia showing more corruption than Ukraine when they are ranked. Fwiw
I get that it's wartime, but why won't they hold the overdue election and see who the people of Ukraine want leading them? Thought I heard his approval rating was very low.
I get that it's wartime, but why won't they hold the overdue election and see who the people of Ukraine want leading them? Thought I heard his approval rating was very low.
I think that's a valid point although I can see the issues with people on/near the front lines being able to safely vote.

Why did Putin jail Navalny and then kill him?
When did it become fashionable for traditionally more hawkish conservatives to become doves, especially regarding the Russians?

I dont know about anyone else, but my flip came after the WMD debacle and Iraq in 2003. **** these perpetual war mongers like John Bolton, Lindsey Graham and Bill Kristol. But I'm sure they are telling the truth this time..... All they ever do is lie to drag us into the next conflict. I will never be fooled by the never ending wars and the never ending boogeyman ever again. Nobody has killed more people than the United States the last 50 years and its not even remotely close.

And what will it take for some of you to stop hating Russia?? I'm not apologizing for them, i am asking. We dropped 2 nukes on Japan and it didn't take to long after that to have somewhat normal relations with them again.

And again, I have much worse enemies in Somaliapolis and St Paul than I do in Russia. I dont need to go 4,000 miles looking for a fight when I have half a million troops 40 miles from me that want to do significant harm to me.
Every list that comes up when searching corruption has Russia showing more corruption than Ukraine when they are ranked. Fwiw

And there is still an unbelievable amount of sensorship taking place to push a different agenda

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I get that it's wartime, but why won't they hold the overdue election and see who the people of Ukraine want leading them? Thought I heard his approval rating was very low.

They (Ukraine) are kidnapping all males out in public from age 14-60 and sending them to the front lines to fight. Can find plenty of videos of them doing it.

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I dont know about anyone else, but my flip came after the WMD debacle and Iraq in 2003. **** these perpetual war mongers like John Bolton, Lindsey Graham and Bill Kristol. But I'm sure they are telling the truth this time..... All they ever do is lie to drag us into the next conflict. I will never be fooled by the never ending wars and the never ending boogeyman ever again. Nobody has killed more people than the United States the last 50 years and its not even remotely close.

And what will it take for some of you to stop hating Russia?? I'm not apologizing for them, i am asking. We dropped 2 nukes on Japan and it didn't take to long after that to have somewhat normal relations with them again.

And again, I have much worse enemies in Somaliapolis and St Paul than I do in Russia. I dont need to go 4,000 miles looking for a fight when I have half a million troops 40 miles from me that want to do significant harm to me.

Truer words have never been spoken!!

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They (Ukraine) are kidnapping all males out in public from age 14-60 and sending them to the front lines to fight. Can find plenty of videos of them doing it.

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Media doesn't report any of those details. It doesn't look so good for their agenda. Once again we've all been lied to and misled by the media and corrupt government. Things will be different now.
Tariffs - What is the end game here? An attempt to drive business back to the US because they can now compete price wise here at home with the 25% tariffs in place - which means higher prices on American made good, or the manufacturing stays in Mexico or Canada and is subject to the 25% tariffs and higher prices for us, also? If manufacturing business does come back, is their infrastructure in place to quickly start manufacturing. Is there a readily available labor force willing to work? At face value, It would seem these actions would result in inflationary price increases which will not bode well for conservatives during the 2026 voting cycle.

Or, is the thought process that canada and mexico will quickly fold under the weight of these tariffs, and trump will get them to do what he wants and prices will remain basically flat.

What do you think is the most realistic end results of these tariffs?
And there is still an unbelievable amount of sensorship taking place to push a different agenda

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Can you enlighten me to what you mean by that? Numerous sources from across the world rank Russia as the most corrupt country in Europe but it's all censorship and agenda driven?
We've been losing on trade deals with most other countries for far too long. We are leveling the playing field and getting fair deals that we should have already been getting. Our crooked government was not doing things in the best interest of the citizens or our country. Self serving deals made by people who should have been removed from office. They are supposed to be working for the people not working to destroy our country and give future generations nothing but a huge pile of debt that wasn't their fault at all. jmho
I’ve been trying to piece together what happened after the Soviet Union collapsed. So far one version has said Boris Yeltsin drove out the last of the communists and bolsheviks. Did that really happen, or did they go under ground? I don’t know.

I think that’s important because it points to whether or not there is a real risk of war between nuclear powers today, or this is just another fake war to pilfer the treasuries of western nations.

I’ve been banging the drum to leave nato since this started. NATO is over half our deficit in America. Nobody realizes this. If we quit nato, inflation would be cut in half.

Ron is with me.

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The truth is something that 99% of people will never get. They keep us in the dark and feed us information to get us to act however they need us to. We really don't know much, that's the sad TRUTH. jmo
Tariffs - What is the end game here? An attempt to drive business back to the US because they can now compete price wise here at home with the 25% tariffs in place - which means higher prices on American made good, or the manufacturing stays in Mexico or Canada and is subject to the 25% tariffs and higher prices for us, also? If manufacturing business does come back, is their infrastructure in place to quickly start manufacturing. Is there a readily available labor force willing to work? At face value, It would seem these actions would result in inflationary price increases which will not bode well for conservatives during the 2026 voting cycle.

Or, is the thought process that canada and mexico will quickly fold under the weight of these tariffs, and trump will get them to do what he wants and prices will remain basically flat.

What do you think is the most realistic end results of these tariffs?
I just the last few days.....we have seen Apple commit to a $500 BILLION investment in manufacturing in Texas. Honda is moving a car assembly plant from Mexico to Indiana. TWSC is adding another $100 Billion to their current $65 billion operation in AZ. Lots of associated companies are located near TWSC facility (which is huge). Nissan announced it will build a USA assembly plant in ?? (USA).

Are Trumps tariff actions working? ....yeah, I think so. Canadian business owners have scooped-up lots of USA companies in recent years. Lots of USA Banking now has Canadian ownership. Even my Financial Planing company is now owed by CIBC (Canadian Bank). We have lost lots of USA sawmills and timber companies to Canadian mills / loggers. Molson bought Coors, etc etc.

Yet, all these things are too big to get my head around. As Will Roger's famously said: "All I know is what I read in the papers" (internet).
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I just the last few days.....we have seen Apple commit to a $500 BILLION investment in manufacturing in Texas. Honda is moving a car assembly plant from Mexico to Indiana. TWSC is adding another $100 Billion to their current $65 billion operation in AZ. Lots of associated companies are located near TWSC facility (which is huge). Nissan announced it will build a USA assembly plant in ?? (USA).

Are Trumps tariff actions working? ....yeah, I think so. Canadian business owners have scooped-up lots of USA companies in recent years. Lots of USA Banking now has Canadian ownership. Even my Financial Planing company is now owed by CIBC (Canadian Bank). We have lost lots of USA sawmills and timber companies to Canadian mills / loggers. Molson bought Coors, etc etc.

Yet, all these things are too big to get my head around. As Will Roger's famously said: "All I know is what I read in the papers" (internet).

I just did a google news search "factories move to USA". Crickets, zero articles of manufacturing committing to US soil.

Did a second search with a sinlge word "trump". Bad bad bad. Pages of how awful he is.

I do not trust our media to do it's job. I want facts without opinion. Stop telling me how to feel about things and just tell me about things. Don't omit facts that you don't agree with, just give the info.
I just the last few days.....we have seen Apple commit to a $500 BILLION investment in manufacturing in Texas. Honda is moving a car assembly plant from Mexico to Indiana. TWSC is adding another $100 Billion to their current $65 billion operation in AZ. Lots of associated companies are located near TWSC facility (which is huge). Nissan announced it will build a USA assembly plant in ?? (USA).

Are Trumps tariff actions working? ....yeah, I think so. Canadian business owners have scooped-up lots of USA companies in recent years. Lots of USA Banking now has Canadian ownership. Even my Financial Planing company is now owed by CIBC (Canadian Bank). We have lost lots of USA sawmills and timber companies to Canadian mills / loggers. Molson bought Coors, etc etc.

Yet, all these things are too big to get my head around. As Will Roger's famously said: "All I know is what I read in the papers" (internet).
I wouldnt really count apple - they invested something like $450 bil during biden and $350 bil during the last trump years. Just something they do every four years