My spot, with plots current, planned, and open to suggestions.

well I know its kinda late in the season to be placing orders for seed, but finally looks like a good planting window in the next few weeks so I ordered a bunch of stuff from seed ranch, got 50 lbs ptt, 50 lbs ghr, 25 lbs crimson clover, and 10 lbs blue lupine. that will top off this years orders/ local pickups. now if I can only remember what goes where and stick to the plan.
well started the day stopping at tractor supply, picked up a few bits of hardware, and a gallon of slime. Got both front tires slimed and filled and headed off to hook up the disc. ran it over plots 6, 7, 10, and 14. Started on 15 but started to run low on fuel so quit for the night. Soil was on the dry side, and being high in clay some spots didn't want to break up too well. That said, plot 4 and 5 are going to be tricky as they have the potential for holding onto a get stuck wet area. I'll see how they do tomorrow. Had a nice surprise as I headed from 14 to 10, drove along plot 12 and noticed some pink flowers, sure enough Sainfoin! not full bloom but flowers here and there, now that I know it is alive it deserves a dose to get rid of competition. Saw some fawns and various other wildlife running around, all in all a good day.
wow what a day. stopped and picked up 330 lbs of winter rye, and a 50 lb bag of deer corn. Brought that down and started where I left off, finished discing plot 15, a lot nicer than I thought it was going to turn out by a long shot. Took the disc off and put the cone spreader on, put the winter rye down in plots 4, 6, 7 and 14. Put 25 lbs corn, 25 lbs black oil sunflower, and 50 lbs of cow peas in plot 15, it came out larger than I expected. Took my bag of sun hemp and spread that in plot 5. First time ever dealing with sun hemp seed, it is LARGE. Put the cone spreader away and hooked up a legth of chain link fence with a pallet on top to add weight. Dragged all but plot 15, and put the chain link away. Hooked the disc back up, set it to straight cut, and ran that over plot 15 to give the seeds there a bit of a better cover, away from crows, blue jays, turkeys, chipmunks......... all of which were trying to eat my seed right after I put it down. Throughout the long day I moved 2 box turtles out of the trails I was using, and saw 4 more as I was going from one plot tot he next. Saw mostly dull and boring ones this year, last year the lot I saw looked like they were heading to woodstock. Hope everyone else had a safe and productive weekend.

as a bonus, I see the weather forecasts rain for tonight/ tomorrow......... should have some stuff popping out of the ground in a matter of days!
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well too nervous about the spring planted ry to gamble it 100 % so I flipped half of one of the pots this week and re planted. The other half was mowed to about 4 inches to get the light to the ground where the rye is hopefully, and then allow it to grow this fall/ winter. Also had a nice surprise, one of the dunstans I planted two years ago has 3 burrs on it, bugger is only ten feet tall and set nuts! stoked about that. Using my pow lately on a lot of overgrown stuff, and getting a few tangles that drive me nuts so I knocked my coulter wheel off, might have less clogging, might be worse, I will know next time I pow anyway. First pis is the winter rye plot , half flipped and re planted, other half as it looks after mowing. I will report back how the rye does, if it does anything at all through the fall. second pic is the dunstan. After getting a few small things done last night I decided to hop in a stand and just watch what might come out into the new bras plot. In stand 3 minutes and out comes doe # 1, from the east, 6 point and spike came out next, also from the east, but north end of plot. Then a family group of 5 came out, north east end of plot, joined in ten minutes by two more from south west end. Not a bad show for a half hour sit, this was at 7 pm last night.



I get a bit of help, another member has an old piece of iron that he uses to brush hog, and sometimes pull the disc. Here and there I get help in the way of trimming, but most of it is up to me, but I enjoy it. I think I am at about the limit of what I can take care of in this way, 15 acres is a lot that require a fair amount of work. Even the clover plots need a mow, a spray, and perimeter trim yearly. No other pics of the dunstans, I was not expecting them to set some nuts this year at all. I did not plant any other fall planted rye, going to see what the other two plots of spring planted perform. As soon as the farmer cuts his 26 acre corn field we usually toss in 2 or three plots as the farmer doesn't do anything with the field till the next crop of corn goes in. Those two pots are more kill plots than food plots, smaller, and right near stands.
woohoo, rainy day luck...... stopped by a not so local walmart and wholly dunstan overload, fresh batch in at 6 foot tall, 29 dollars each, 75 or so in stock, and, this springs delivery now at 10 to 12 feet tall marked down 50% off to 15 each. Bought 4, 25 left, will be checking this store as the season draws late, and when they hit 75% off, buy the remainder of the stock. 2 going to my place in NY, 2 being added to the 3 I have a the NJ property.
had a bit of a good surprise today, while checking out my Dunstans I made my way ofver to where one didn't make it last year, or so I thought, three nice shoots about 2 to 3 feet tall coming up, top had died but roots didn't give up. Also snapped a shot of the rye plot that was re planted to show progress. Sun hemp plot still hanging on, deer are browsing on it a lot, but not enough to keep it all from flowering, heck I have a few seed pods!

Oats eperiment seemed to work! few weeks ago I bought a17 dollar bag of feed oats at TS, walked between the rows of sill standing corn spreading by hand, well farmer harvested the corn today and the oats are showing through the litter. Gave em a nice head start and now they will get the sun they need to take off and act as a draw to the deer.

feel like I'm talking to my self....... anyway, huntied the am, windy, saw a few, no shooters. Decided to make use of the rest of the day and fired up the tractor. Flipped three acres in the giant cornfield that had just been harvested, and threwin the towel on a brasica plot and part of a clover plot. total flipped 4 acres. Seeded all with winter rye, nice and early this year, farmer harvesting this early is unheard of so took advantage of the early date and hit it hard. No breakages, no blood, nothing lost, a good day overall.
total flipped 4 acres. Seeded all with winter rye, nice and early this year, farmer harvesting this early is unheard of so took advantage of the early date and hit it hard. No breakages, no blood, nothing lost, a good day overall.
That is a good day especially the part about nothing broke, good thought on the rye in the corn.