Watch what happens with Russia and Putin with T helping them / him. Invasion of more of Europe - re-building the old Soviet Union - and then taking the rest of Europe. Repeat of 1939 and Hitler, IMO. ------- Then what??? WW3 on the way before long.
By the comments I've seen on here, some don't know their world history. And please don't post a fictional re-writing of real, actual history ....... claiming that all past factual events & knowledge is "brainwashing." That claim only materialized in the last 8 years. No Republican or Democratic administration before now has EVER sided with Russia / Putin, China / Xi Jinping, N. Korea / Kim Jung Un ............... until now.
MTG just recently questioned why / who ever said Russia was an enemy of the U.S. She thinks it's all crap. She's batsh crazy. Patton didn't think so at the end of WW II. He wanted to take Russia on right then because he could see they were the next big enemy of the U.S. and the free world.
It won't be a joke when our young people will be sent off to another world war started by Russia in Europe - to fight another war started by 2 or 3 greedy, power-hungry a$$-poles. "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."