5 year old buck +
Yesterday I put out my J-1422 that takes 12 AAs with a 6D power pack. It took about 50 pics which were sent by the cellular cam. They were the only two cameras I had out. I went out to check some settings this morning because I didn't like the quality of some pics. I was greeted with a dead battery message. Took the camera home and indeed the 12 AAs were toast- like the lowest I've ever seen on my cheap tester. I'm sure the batteries were good when I put them out. The D batteries in the power pack were still good. One last thing- i threw in two lithium ions with my 10 rayovac AAs.
Is mixing battery types the problem?
Why doesn't the power pack take over?
What else could cause overnight battery depletion?
Thanks for any replies- I know some of this stuff is in the thread but man it can be hard to find.
Is mixing battery types the problem?
Why doesn't the power pack take over?
What else could cause overnight battery depletion?
Thanks for any replies- I know some of this stuff is in the thread but man it can be hard to find.