Having an issue with the link cam. Or maybe it's the Home cam. Updated the firmware on both cameras(a week ago) and they both worked fine. Changed some camera settings via the Cell Management web-page. A few days go by and they never got updated- just said "pending", but the reports kept coming in with battery levels ok etc. Wanted to move the link cam yesterday so turned it off and moved it...turned it back on and changed the settings right on the camera, checked the signal/connection level and it said "good 99"(it's only 30yds away), and had my pic taken a few times before I left and waited for the pics to come in. Did not touch the Home cam but walked in front to get some pics.
Pics come in, the only ones from the link cam are those of me before I turned the cam off. Figured maybe the others would come in with the next batch..I had to get going. No pics from the link the rest of the day. Last night I set the link cam to take a picture..never received one. I am getting pics taken by the Home cam. Got the report this morning and it's showing everything is ok. Looked at the settings on the Cell Management page and now the link is showing the updated settings(rememmber- I did those on the cam itself) but the Home still says "pending".
I should get to the place again tomorrow. Plan to take the batteries out of both, drain the power out, and restarting(but not resetting) them..unless there's a better option to try.
Edit..filter stuck maybe? It's not showing any pics queued.