Cuddeback Solar Panel (PW3600)/Ext Dual Power Banks Configuration


Buck Fawn
Picked up a solar panel and ext power pack for Cuddeback home camera (K-23). I have solar panel (yellow) connected to ext dual power bank (yellow). I have solar panel (brown) connected to home camera (brown). External power bank has 6 rechargeable D's in bank 1 & 6 alkalines in bank 2. I'm not exactly sure how the power consumption process works but my thought was to keep the internal solar panel battery and ext power bank rechargeable batteries charged and in the event they can't keep up or until recharged I'd have the alkaline batteries as a backup. Or, instead of connecting solar panel (brown) to camera (brown), should I connect camera (brown) to ext power pack (brown)? Not sure if one is correct, either, or neither will work. I'm sure this is overkill but I'm new to these Cuddebacks so if anyone has made it this far and still awake I'd greatly appreciate any assistance. Thanks
you have the batteries correct in the DPB but you need ot run yellow from solar to yellow on DPB and then brown from DPB to brown on camera , if its a K run the camera empty since if you put batteries in the K they will run on those first. the 3600 panel and DPB is ultimately designed for a 4D camera ( all current cuddelink units are now 4D). You could also use the DPB on a remote , jsut plug your 3600 panel into the back of the K(brown to brown) but put the 6 rechargeable D's inside the K. It would be very hard to kill the batteries with that set up if the panel gets 4-5 hours of sunlight per day.
Thank you sir!