Crabapple timeline

Your tricking me into more trees. I see frostbite is a parent to many varieties in the minesotta program.

Any info on that swamp crab? How well it holds into the season ,early frost tolerance, any signs of disease. We got alot of beavers up at camp, but can find some small brook edges that it might be left alone.

Debating a 2nd tree order for some anty, B118, and m111 rootstocks. What I read about the siberian crab is all over the place. Tree size between standard to semidwarf and some have compatibility issues and some say no.
Your tricking me into more trees. I see frostbite is a parent to many varieties in the minesotta program.

Any info on that swamp crab? How well it holds into the season ,early frost tolerance, any signs of disease. We got alot of beavers up at camp, but can find some small brook edges that it might be left alone.

Debating a 2nd tree order for some anty, B118, and m111 rootstocks. What I read about the siberian crab is all over the place. Tree size between standard to semidwarf and some have compatibility issues and some say no.
I have not looked at Swamp Crab for a bit. Per memory, it is an early dropper and the crabs are small. I see it’s main value as a rootstock for damp to occasionally wet areas.
Buckman Crab is holding all fruit and should be a winter food source.

Rifle season opens tomorrow and within the next two weeks I should be able to look at what I call my Outback Orchard and some other trees. I have stayed out of those areas for about two plus months.

I hope the bears haven’t torn things up too much.
Good luck tomorrow. Saw three bears about 500 yards away fooling around in a tree n the farside of the conrfield I was hunting. Looked a bit big to be kid bears too, only have 8x binoculars. Thought someone was getting in a treestand before I got my binoculars. A bit far away for the crossbow.
Good luck deer hunting, Bur!!! Can you hunt bears there? Those things are H on fruit trees - but they make great bologna & snack sticks!!!! 🙂 😉
Yeah we can hunt them. Thought I was going to bump into them on the way back to the truck. I pretty much shoot deer, squirrels, and upland. Any other critter only gets it if they're creating problems.

Had a bobcat 40 yards from me yesterday evening at my backyard plot. Mother-in-law and wife are a bit concerned about their cats. Never heard of a bobcat going after a cat. Seen him with woodchucks and rabbits. I got a ton of them.

Put 2 30-06's and kerr at that property last fall. Needed to mke room for chestnut and an empire. I forgot who got me kerr scion. That tree might be from sandbur's.
Good luck deer hunting, Bur!!! Can you hunt bears there? Those things are H on fruit trees - but they make great bologna & snack sticks!!!! 🙂 😉
Bear season closed around the 12th of October. I hope to walk some of my ‘no go areas’ now that deer rifle season is over and see how much damage I have.
This is a short video with basics on some apple crabs. I will try and post a few more screenshots, but my internet service is spotty.
Deer and Deer Hunting ‘s last issue had an article on hard and soft mast. It mentioned some of the suppliers of trees. It focused more on non apple varieties of mast.
The next issue will have part two which should have more apple tree information.
Weird fall. I just picked a bag of Frostbite.
This Big Dog is dropping and the deer have all of the grass around it matted down.
KErr holds onto the tree better than Violi's? Got a few trees to topwork at camp this year.

Cummins nursery in NY calls centennial a early season tree. I thought you had one over at your place. Looking for another august apple at my home.
KErr holds onto the tree better than Violi's? Got a few trees to topwork at camp this year.

Cummins nursery in NY calls centennial a early season tree. I thought you had one over at your place. Looking for another august apple at my home.
Centennial is an August apple for me.

I should watch Violi’s for a few more years before commenting.