It’s not coercion when I either take the jab OR LOSE MY JOB!? That is forcing. Byedan even tried to force companies that had 100 or more employees to get vaccinated…what in the actual f**k kind of mentality is that!? So if your company only has 99 employees, no one can contract or spread Covid? Senseless…that was almost the final straw for me to do something I was totally opposed to, or lose my job and disrupt my family’s well being. And I had already gotten and beat Covid naturally at that point!
Employers were not deciding on their own to force vaccination at their companies either. They too were being forced due to the government mandates. And if you lived in a Blue state, the mandates were worse - CA, NY, PA, MI, VT….and many more had Draconian style mandates that did NOT slow the spread, this is proven.
Above all else, this plandemic successfully divided the American people even further. That is their main goal IMO, and to have us dependent on them.