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I just watched Alex Azar on CNBC. He is secretary of health and human services. He was asked directly if Coronavirus was made in a lab as a weapon. He kinda fumbled through his response. If we were sitting at a poker table I would have called his bluff with a pair of deuces for all of his chips.
It sounds like a lot of products will be late making it over the pond. Many of the factories are closed but hope to be up and running in a couple of weeks.
Up and running in a couple of weeks means,.... a new round of rampant flu cases in a couple of weeks.

This will spread to supply centers/factories in Vietnam, Singapore, Cambodia,.. all over. It will eventually come here.

What would a world wide pandemic do to our highly leveraged financial systems?

I could envision a time in the future in which a President declares Marshel Law, and mobilizes the military.

I hope I am waaayyyy off base here.
I was looking at a review of a new drone and the guy said they have them made but hope to have people back and boxing them up in a couple weeks .
We just got a call yesterday from a supplier saying that a shipping container holding some custom one of a kind stuff we ordered is on hold and they have no idea when it will be shipped. Going to be some frustrated customers. I'm sure they'll understand but.....
DOW still hovering near all-time highs, just under 29.5K. Markets not too worried yet?
DOW still hovering near all-time highs, just under 29.5K. Markets not too worried yet?

On bad news it dips and then comes right back. It’s a strong market. I don’t think there will be any really impact until earnings are affected or maybe factories stay closed longer than expected.
Boy it would sure be a shame if countries around the world dramatically cut back on imports from China. Wink wink. Probably wouldn’t be good for their economy. Would also be a shame if companies moved production out of China and into other countries that are more friendly and less disease filled in the region. Wink wink.

could have crippling effects on their economy and lead to more civil unrest for the communist party.
Boy it would sure be a shame if countries around the world dramatically cut back on imports from China. Wink wink. Probably wouldn’t be good for their economy. Would also be a shame if companies moved production out of China and into other countries that are more friendly and less disease filled in the region. Wink wink.

could have crippling effects on their economy and lead to more civil unrest for the communist party.
That’s what I was thinking... we used tariffs to do it too them already. One two punch so to speak.
We don’t necessarily like doing business with China. With that being said the products our company sells are natural products. They are quarried from different countries all over the world. I’d rather get all of our products from Minnesota but the good Lord put them where He put them. We could have them shipped home “Unmanufactured” but that isn’t in the cards for us.

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What would a world wide pandemic do to our highly leveraged financial systems?

It's nothing to wonder about. The future is going to be negative interest rates. There will be a mountain of money forced into the economy to "stimulate." Farmland goes to $40,000 acre, new tractors to $1,000,000 each. Homes double in price every 3 years, first time homebuyers to get 5% refundable mortgage interest credit. New pickup will be $130,000, but we'll get 0% financing.

If you're considering refinancing anything, wait 10 months. It'll get better.
Would like to see China start buying fur like crazy again...especially coon and yote.

Just saying.......

Bribe a Chinese government official to publicly say wearing fur prevents coronavirus.
Bribe him with fur coats for his wife and mistresses.
For all the Chinese?...

bwoods11 - post #52 - just to clarify my stance ……..... I'm not in favor of what all those Dems raised their hands about giving free health care to all illegal immigrants. We don't even take care of our own citizens, veterans, etc. I'm a centrist mostly with leanings to the left on environmental issues and workers' rights - and to the right for gun ownership, but with some kind of control for preventing mental cases and felons from getting guns. I'm tired of seeing & hearing of innocent people & kids getting killed by someone who shouldn't be able to get a gun.

Corona virus, SARS, avian flu, various swine flu's …………….. why are we even pissing around with a COMMUNIST country??? And one that makes no bones about wanting to be the only super-power??? They probably are concocting biological weapons to kill their enemies, and probably chemical weapons too. Maybe someone there f-ed up and it got out into the population. There was just a story in the news about some strange animal with scales on it that is the most poached and trafficked critter on the planet. That animal is suspected of carrying several deadly diseases for humans, but they get trafficked around the world. I believe the story said they are native to China.
and to the right for gun ownership, but with some kind of control for preventing mental cases and felons from getting guns. I'm tired of seeing & hearing of innocent people & kids getting killed by someone who shouldn't be able to get a gun.

Much of that can be prevented by gun owners locking up their guns when they leave the house. A staggering number of gun crime is committed with stolen guns.

why are we even pissing around with a COMMUNIST country???

Cheap labor. Maximum profits. Corporate culture.

about some strange animal with scales on it that is the most poached and trafficked critter on the planet. That animal is suspected of carrying several deadly diseases for humans, but they get trafficked around the world. I believe the story said they are native to China

Sounds like a pangolin.
Bribe a Chinese government official to publicly say wearing fur prevents coronavirus.

China and Russia both used to be HUGE importers of American fur and kept the prices nice and high...would be nice to get them both back on that band wagon in the old trade war negotiations.
Or they need to invent a racoon specific coronavirus...that could at least be useful.
Americans need to stop being pussies and wear fur. We are the richest nation on earth. We shouldn’t need other countries to buy our goods to create a decent market.

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