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They have people everywhere offering hand sanitizer
Seriously? That won't help against coronavirus.
Yes. I bet I was offered 5 times in the first 20 minutes on the ship
The only thing I remember them handing me in Cozumel was Tequila shots. We were there for a week and everywhere we went was a little "sample table" with 2 or 3 different bottles on it. They almost wouldn't let you walk by without trying one of them (not that it took a lot of arm twisting).
Just got back and driving home. They have 45 kids out of school today in our school district due to the flu. Up from 33 yesterday.
My wife got so wasted on her bachelorette party on tequila that on our honeymoon she would take the shot and give it to me....My whole week there was a wonderful blur.
Even places we went with complimentary alcohol I didnt drink it. I had 1 margarita the whole trip. I dont much at home, and I wasnt going to get drunk with my family on vacation. Did eat at a little spot in cozumel and they brought you 3 hotsauces. I tried them all and the hottest, while delicious gave me heartburn so bad that night I couldnt sleep.
I just got back from a Mexican wedding in Queretaro, Mexico. Forget the Coronavirus. Forget the cartel for that matter. If you want to know what is dangerous go to a Mexican wedding! They PARTY!!! We left the reception at 3am and were among the first to leave.Last vision I had was the bride standing on a chair pouring tequila into the mouths of folks as they marched in a train beneath her. Glug Glug. Wife and I should recover in week or so.
I just got back from a Mexican wedding in Queretaro, Mexico. Forget the Coronavirus. Forget the cartel for that matter. If you want to know what is dangerous go to a Mexican wedding! They PARTY!!! We left the reception at 3am and were among the first to leave.Last vision I had was the bride standing on a chair pouring tequila into the mouths of folks as they marched in a train beneath her. Glug Glug. Wife and I should recover in week or so.

When I am down there on business, lunchtime is about 3 hours long. The waiter wheeled up a large cart to our table filled with dozen's of bottles of Tequila and Mescal. My rep started ordering shots and Margaritas for us. There is a reason they have siestas after lunch :emoji_wink:
Where do you work in Mexico. I get there a lot
I just got back from a Mexican wedding in Queretaro, Mexico. Forget the Coronavirus. Forget the cartel for that matter. If you want to know what is dangerous go to a Mexican wedding! They PARTY!!! We left the reception at 3am and were among the first to leave.Last vision I had was the bride standing on a chair pouring tequila into the mouths of folks as they marched in a train beneath her. Glug Glug. Wife and I should recover in week or so.

I can't imagine if the bride was a mad drunk. Could you imagine? a spicy latina, with alcohol fury? Mentally debilitating
Where do you work in Mexico. I get there a lot

Been a few years since I have been down, but spent time in Mexico City and traveled to a number of large industrial process plants south west of the city.
I can't imagine if the bride was a mad drunk. Could you imagine? a spicy latina, with alcohol fury? Mentally debilitating

might at least make for a fun week :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I just wanted to mention that cruise ships are now being turned away in Mexico due to the virus,..

If you have a trip/cruise planned be sharp folks! Seriously pay attention here.

Those folks who set sail earlier,.. get back home safe.
I'm scheduled to go to CA for training next week, Silicon Valley. I told my boss today I wasn't going. Amazingly, the company was 100% supportive of my decision. I'll go when I don't feel like I should be wearing MOP gear walking through airports.
I was supposed to go to Paris for work in a month. While initially looking forward to it as I haven't been there, lately I had decided I'd rather not go. Today the company banned international travel except under specific circumstances with high level approval. I'm not going to die on a hill over this trip so I'm canceling.

The conspiracy theories are just that. We have a US Senator quoting a Lancet article claiming it supports this being out of a lab and not the food market. Well, I'm a cell and molecular biologist so I actually read the paper. It says no such thing. It says this virus is most closely related to a couple already known from bats in China, with a genetic "distance" indicating that it may have jumped and spent some time in a transition species before ending up in humans. There is a report of a highly similar virus found in pangolins, a threatened species known to be in the black market food supply in China where they consider it a delicacy. So everything actually lines up that this is yet another case of a virus jumping species to an unsanitary and undomesticated food supply.
We've got a trip to Jamaica coming up in a few weeks. Glad to hear they are turning away cruise ships. But the thought of airports, plane rides, and staying in a tourist destination is a bit unsettling. Haven't flown out of the US in 15 years and the year we book a trip this happens...
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