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I was supposed to go to Paris for work in a month. While initially looking forward to it as I haven't been there, lately I had decided I'd rather not go. Today the company banned international travel except under specific circumstances with high level approval. I'm not going to die on a hill over this trip so I'm canceling.

The conspiracy theories are just that. We have a US Senator quoting a Lancet article claiming it supports this being out of a lab and not the food market. Well, I'm a cell and molecular biologist so I actually read the paper. It says no such thing. It says this virus is most closely related to a couple already known from bats in China, with a genetic "distance" indicating that it may have jumped and spent some time in a transition species before ending up in humans. There is a report of a highly similar virus found in pangolins, a threatened species known to be in the black market food supply in China where they consider it a delicacy. So everything actually lines up that this is yet another case of a virus jumping species to an unsanitary and undomesticated food supply.

The virus "apparently" started in this fish market how far away from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (the place that has cornavirus in a lab)?? I've heard 4, 7, and 8 miles away. They've been eating bats, rats, snakes, pangolins, dogs, cats, kangaroos, donkeys, and anything else that walks, crawls, flies or swims for centuries. Of the 3.7 million square miles in China and after centuries of eating gross shit it is one hell of a coincidence that it starts a few blocks away from their biological weapons lab. And why are they killing whistle blowers, doctors, journalist and social media types? Its not hard to be good at simple math. I would trust a nice plate full of pengolin stir fry long before I would trust the Chinese communist government. This thing is man made 100%.
We've got a trip to Jamaica coming up in a few weeks. Glad to hear they are turning away cruise ships. But the thought of airports, plane rides, and staying in a tourist destination is a bit unsettling. Haven't flown out of the US in 15 years and the year we book a trip this happens...
If they keep you in isolation until December is it ok for some of us to hunt on your property this fall. Oh I need to know where you hide the key to the cabin.
If they keep you in isolation until December is it ok for some of us to hunt on your property this fall. Oh I need to know where you hide the key to the cabin.
Sure, have at it. Use caution around the north border. Apparently blaze orange is optional and baiting is legal on that side. And dude has an itchy trigger finger for those he doesn't like. As for the cabin key, my other neighbor (best security system available)may take you out while you are digging around the place looking for it :emoji_wink:. So if a scrubby yearling buck is worth all that be sure to post a pic.
I will be leaving on a cruise in 8 days, headed out of Puerto RICO. I am not concerned at all. In saying that, I will not go around licking bathroom door handles, or licking anyone’s fingers, and I may wash my hands a few more times Then normal, but other then that, I will make sure I disinfect my insides with plenty of alcohol.
I will be leaving on a cruise in 8 days, headed out of Puerto RICO. I am not concerned at all. In saying that, I will not go around licking bathroom door handles, or licking anyone’s fingers, and I may wash my hands a few more times Then normal, but other then that, I will make sure I disinfect my insides with plenty of alcohol.
See the way you word this, it makes it sound like if coronavirus wasn't a thing, you could be talked into licking bathroom door handles and other peoples' fingers. Which is weird, but hey man, do you...
See the way you word this, it makes it sound like if coronavirus wasn't a thing, you could be talked into licking bathroom door handles and other peoples' fingers. Which is weird, but hey man, do you...

You see right through me, and read it correct! LOL.

Just kidding, I guess I am more of a realist. I worry about things that need to be worried about, not things that the media tells me to worry about. There are many ships traveling around the world daily with thousands of people on them, from all over the world, and a couple ships from Asia had people that were infected. I will take the risk and go enjoy myself in the 80 degree tropics with a cocktail in my hand, rather then sitting at home worrying about whether anyone in the US will be infected with a virus, that isnt nearly as bad as the media is making it out to be. To be honest, I have a much larger chance of getting robbed, or mugged while island hopping in the Caribbean, then catching this virus. But that wont stop me either, if you are cautious you can usually prevent bad things, without locking yourself in a big bubble, and can still enjoy life.

I can almost bet the 4000 people that will be on the ship with me, will probably be more likely to wash their hands, and be more conscious about the disease then the 4000 people that have walked through any Walmart on any given day! But yet people wont stop going there, or wash their handles on the cart, or after they used the cart.
There is a good reason I never wash my hands. Antibiotics for everything and hand sanitizer everywhere you look in public places. Its no wonder why people are always getting sick. People just dont have the immune system they should.
I still wash them after going to Walmart. Probably a fair amount of fecal matter on those cart handles. Similar to bowling ball holes.
H20 - Thanks for your supportive post #108. I don't get all jacked up when I type something in a political opinion. I don't hate anyone. The things I'd like to see happen in the U.S. would be for the benefit of ALL of us - Republican & Democrat, Independent and all others. There are millions of hard-working Republicans who are just like millions of hard-working Democrats - being responsible U.S. citizens and trying to do the best for their families as they can. Both those groups make up the MAJORITY of the country's population - not multi-millionaires & multi-billionaires. I think the hard-working folks (both sides) get stiffed most of the time by people who are maneuvering laws & courts to secure huge financial "moats" around themselves. Slick publicity campaigns and propaganda of all sorts is aimed at what benefits the ultra rich - NOT the masses of good, hard-working Repubs. and Dems.

Before the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck ( who made their big money by being loud and controversial, and stirring the U.S. pot of "us against them" thinking, things were fairly peaceful. Reagan and Tip O'Neill had differing views, but managed to laugh WITH each other - not AT each other - and get compromises done so progress was made on various things. And then have a drink together at the end of the day. If such behavior existed today, they'd be called wimps, "cucks", spineless, and many other names as childish as those and more. We've DE-volved into playground name-calling these days. And it's because of labels attached to both "sides" by folks who get paid very handsomely to create & attach those labels for someone's political gain, and to create division. HOW IS THIS DIVISION BENEFITTING THE HARD-WORKING REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC AVG. AMERICANS??? We've become really good at name-calling and hating each other - while all of us have to pay more out-of-pocket for medical care and deductibles, our pay goes up about 1% to 2% each year while the executives' pay increases average 33% per year or higher. And with multi-million dollar bonuses & "golden parachutes." College tuition is just silly anymore, and how well are our parents & grandparents doing after they retire?? They built this country & fought for it only to get a kick in the teeth financially in their old age. (Always cuts to Social Security and Medicare proposed, and we have vets with no medical coverage or even homes!) So JUST HOW GREAT are we all doing for the fighting we're so good at??

Thanks again H20 - for being a gentleman. I'd also share a deer stand or blind with you - no problem!!!
You see right through me, and read it correct! LOL.

Just kidding, I guess I am more of a realist. I worry about things that need to be worried about, not things that the media tells me to worry about. There are many ships traveling around the world daily with thousands of people on them, from all over the world, and a couple ships from Asia had people that were infected. I will take the risk and go enjoy myself in the 80 degree tropics with a cocktail in my hand, rather then sitting at home worrying about whether anyone in the US will be infected with a virus, that isnt nearly as bad as the media is making it out to be. To be honest, I have a much larger chance of getting robbed, or mugged while island hopping in the Caribbean, then catching this virus. But that wont stop me either, if you are cautious you can usually prevent bad things, without locking yourself in a big bubble, and can still enjoy life.

I can almost bet the 4000 people that will be on the ship with me, will probably be more likely to wash their hands, and be more conscious about the disease then the 4000 people that have walked through any Walmart on any given day! But yet people wont stop going there, or wash their handles on the cart, or after they used the cart.

I'm right there with you. Another reason I don't get too worked up on politics or interwebz fighting (with some exceptions). I'm not changing anyone's mind, they're not changing mine, and no matter who is in the whitehouse, I still have to get up tomorrow, raise my kids, and go to work... The rest is just noise.

We're getting snow right now. I could go for some 80s and sun...
I think the days of everyone being civil are over now with social media. One person gets attacked, they attack back, I don't see it stopping ever.
You see right through me, and read it correct! LOL.

Just kidding, I guess I am more of a realist. I worry about things that need to be worried about, not things that the media tells me to worry about. There are many ships traveling around the world daily with thousands of people on them, from all over the world, and a couple ships from Asia had people that were infected. I will take the risk and go enjoy myself in the 80 degree tropics with a cocktail in my hand, rather then sitting at home worrying about whether anyone in the US will be infected with a virus, that isnt nearly as bad as the media is making it out to be. To be honest, I have a much larger chance of getting robbed, or mugged while island hopping in the Caribbean, then catching this virus. But that wont stop me either, if you are cautious you can usually prevent bad things, without locking yourself in a big bubble, and can still enjoy life.

I can almost bet the 4000 people that will be on the ship with me, will probably be more likely to wash their hands, and be more conscious about the disease then the 4000 people that have walked through any Walmart on any given day! But yet people wont stop going there, or wash their handles on the cart, or after they used the cart.
Have you checked to see if you will have 3999 other guest on the boat. After the other floating disaster many of your friends may have been calling for refunds.
^^^^^ Wow.
Yikes! Let's just hope that's where she keeps her hand sanitizer.
H20 - Thanks for your supportive post #108. I don't get all jacked up when I type something in a political opinion. I don't hate anyone. The things I'd like to see happen in the U.S. would be for the benefit of ALL of us - Republican & Democrat, Independent and all others. There are millions of hard-working Republicans who are just like millions of hard-working Democrats - being responsible U.S. citizens and trying to do the best for their families as they can. Both those groups make up the MAJORITY of the country's population - not multi-millionaires & multi-billionaires. I think the hard-working folks (both sides) get stiffed most of the time by people who are maneuvering laws & courts to secure huge financial "moats" around themselves. Slick publicity campaigns and propaganda of all sorts is aimed at what benefits the ultra rich - NOT the masses of good, hard-working Repubs. and Dems.

Before the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck ( who made their big money by being loud and controversial, and stirring the U.S. pot of "us against them" thinking, things were fairly peaceful. Reagan and Tip O'Neill had differing views, but managed to laugh WITH each other - not AT each other - and get compromises done so progress was made on various things. And then have a drink together at the end of the day. If such behavior existed today, they'd be called wimps, "cucks", spineless, and many other names as childish as those and more. We've DE-volved into playground name-calling these days. And it's because of labels attached to both "sides" by folks who get paid very handsomely to create & attach those labels for someone's political gain, and to create division. HOW IS THIS DIVISION BENEFITTING THE HARD-WORKING REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC AVG. AMERICANS??? We've become really good at name-calling and hating each other - while all of us have to pay more out-of-pocket for medical care and deductibles, our pay goes up about 1% to 2% each year while the executives' pay increases average 33% per year or higher. And with multi-million dollar bonuses & "golden parachutes." College tuition is just silly anymore, and how well are our parents & grandparents doing after they retire?? They built this country & fought for it only to get a kick in the teeth financially in their old age. (Always cuts to Social Security and Medicare proposed, and we have vets with no medical coverage or even homes!) So JUST HOW GREAT are we all doing for the fighting we're so good at??

Thanks again H20 - for being a gentleman. I'd also share a deer stand or blind with you - no problem!!!

What does this have to do with anything on any thread on this site?

Get it, you are angry and lashing out, not sure who your target is here ... go take a walk and chill a bit ... deep breaths, deep breathes ... maybe a double Jack & water and a lavender candle might help :emoji_wink:

BnB ... I hope tomorrow dawns with a better sun than today did for you ... Peace !

Yikes! Let's just hope that's where she keeps her hand sanitizer.
Whatever is down there will sanitize more than your hand
Have you checked to see if you will have 3999 other guest on the boat. After the other floating disaster many of your friends may have been calling for refunds.

I am more then positive the ship will be full! Not everyone is afraid of their own shadows.
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