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Americans need to stop being pussies and wear fur. We are the richest nation on earth. We shouldn’t need other countries to buy our goods to create a decent market.

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Americans respect the opinions of movie stars and athletes more than their own cognitive abilities. They also sometimes believe political promises over logic and reason. We could create any market we wanted if people called BS once in a while.

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Corona virus, SARS, avian flu, various swine flu's …………….. why are we even pissing around with a COMMUNIST country??? And one that makes no bones about wanting to be the only super-power???

Because they see us as weak ... just look at the useless millennial class of kids we have created ... participation trophies, helicopter parental support, & snowflake safe spaces ...

Corona virus, SARS, avian flu, various swine flu's …………….. why are we even pissing around with a COMMUNIST country??? They probably are concocting biological weapons to kill their enemies, and probably chemical weapons too.

Well they are a target rich zone for all companies to sell to, 1.4 billion consumers, do you like how your 401k has done the last 3 years? At the end of the day, all power struggles are over pussy, control, or $$$.

BTW ... I hope you know our country is doing the same & more with biological & chemical weapons ... the only way we are or will be is the fact that we have a bigger stick. :emoji_wink:
Send the Chinese a real message.........stop planting their chestnuts.........

I believe every "Chinese Chestnut" I've ever planted came from the US as a copy and counterfeit of the original Chinese version! Karma if you ask me.

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Tree Spud - I'm well aware we have chemical and biological weapons. But the U.S. isn't going to unleash them as a means to overtake another country. Let's not compare apples to oranges. Russia, China and N. Korea are aggressive in their intentions to annex neighboring countries, and threaten close neighbors verbally and with military deployments. (N. Korea threatening S. Korea & Japan). The U.S. doesn't threaten our neighbors or other countries with missiles or biological weapons because we want to annex them or take them over.

And as for the "useless" millennial class - My sons are college educated and make really great money. All of our neighbors' kids are college educated and all have really good careers making good money - and I'm not talking $40,000 $50,000, or $60,000 per year either. Considerably more than that. Many folks in this country are pissed off at younger people that have better educations and have much better futures than they do. Many of those that tag the millennials as lazy only finished high school and barely did that by the skin of their teeth. (I'm not addressing you specifically, Tree Spud). They have "go nowhere" jobs and struggle with financial security because they "slacked" while in high school themselves. Many never went to college either. Just look at the spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structures of what many people put out on the internet. They make fun of millennials as lazy, etc., but can't communicate well at all themselves. I listen to people on TV who are ranting and foaming at the mouth with anger and they sound as if they didn't get past 4th grade English when they talk. But their rant is that others are "elites" and somehow they - those ranting & raging - are being "stiffed" out of a great living and a great future. Who do they think they're kidding???

I'll make no apologies for my millennial sons. They studied hard, worked hard, applied themselves, and use the biggest, best tools any of us have - their brains.

As for our 401-k's ……....... almost all the money we made was by investments in the U.S. and European countries because they are much more stable economies than Asian countries. I follow investing like a magnet. Are YOU even aware that the Asian markets have not done well for the past 8 to 10 years?? Mutual funds invested broadly there have NOT done well. We don't invest in individual stocks. That's too risky, and it requires more time and effort than we're willing to put in at this point in our lives. We're focusing on enjoying the fruits of our labors and investment planning - not sweating in front of a computer screen worrying about every market move!!
This is not a political statement. I just read stock market analyst reports when I have time. The articles I’ve read that were written by analysts overseas say that the US is the best prepared for manufacturing disruptions in China, because Trump’s tariff strategy already caused many US companies to find alternative suppliers in other countries.
This is not a political statement. I just read stock market analyst reports when I have time. The articles I’ve read that were written by analysts overseas say that the US is the best prepared for manufacturing disruptions in China, because Trump’s tariff strategy already caused many US companies to find alternative suppliers in other countries.

That's not surprising. Long before Trump's tariffs, there was a quota system established which pushed some manufacturing from China into Southeast Asia.

Vietnam is a very interesting country when it comes to manufacturing. They didn't have purges as brutal as China or Russia, and they basically abandoned communism 10 years after the war ended with the implementation of Doi Moi. They then normalized relations with the US 10 years later. They have always had skilled craftsmen in many different industries, and a lot of clothing, footwear, furniture, etc. is currently produced there. Vietnamese don't like China and prefer the US over China. I doubt they have the ability to produce heavy machinery or sophisticated electronics, but they have a population over 80 million (comparable to the largest European countries), so they will most likely be able to produce such goods relatively soon.

Singapore was the go-to for microprocessors and other sophisticated electronics for a while until they outsourced labor to Malaysia, who subsequently outsourced labor to Indonesia. They would be happy to take market share from China.

Everything China produces is foreign technology. They are worker bees. They are not creative. The reason they are so huge in manufacturing is because of their incredibly massive population. They depend on us more than we depend on them.
One of the nice things about this site is that it normally only ever lightly touch’s on politics. It’s a shame that in this day and age being Republican or Democrat is almost like a sports team thing. No one here should ever be criticized for how they “lean” or made to ever feel uncomfortable for their personal views.
Everyone here is into habitat... plenty of other sites out there to debate heavy political views.

Bows, I agree with a lot of the points you made in your previous post. My kids are also college educated millennials with very good jobs and what I hope to be a lot of common sense.
I hope you never get discouraged by some of the political tone that pops up on here, you have got to be one of my favorite posters always upbeat with a kind word and willing to share your habitat knowledge with everyone.
You are welcome to share a duck blind or deer stand with me anytime brother....even if I do lean a little right of Reagan!
Not saying this as “just” political criticism but Is anyone else really SICK of the Bloomberg ads!!

It is gonna be funny to watch what transpires between him and comrade Sanders. Then he is gonna pick Hillary for his running mate. He can take his commercials and shove them straight up his ASS!!!
Tree Spud - I'm well aware we have chemical and biological weapons. But the U.S. isn't going to unleash them as a means to overtake another country. Let's not compare apples to oranges. Russia, China and N. Korea are aggressive in their intentions to annex neighboring countries, and threaten close neighbors verbally and with military deployments. (N. Korea threatening S. Korea & Japan). The U.S. doesn't threaten our neighbors or other countries with missiles or biological weapons because we want to annex them or take them over.

And as for the "useless" millennial class - My sons are college educated and make really great money. All of our neighbors' kids are college educated and all have really good careers making good money - and I'm not talking $40,000 $50,000, or $60,000 per year either. Considerably more than that. Many folks in this country are pissed off at younger people that have better educations and have much better futures than they do. Many of those that tag the millennials as lazy only finished high school and barely did that by the skin of their teeth. (I'm not addressing you specifically, Tree Spud). They have "go nowhere" jobs and struggle with financial security because they "slacked" while in high school themselves. Many never went to college either. Just look at the spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structures of what many people put out on the internet. They make fun of millennials as lazy, etc., but can't communicate well at all themselves. I listen to people on TV who are ranting and foaming at the mouth with anger and they sound as if they didn't get past 4th grade English when they talk. But their rant is that others are "elites" and somehow they - those ranting & raging - are being "stiffed" out of a great living and a great future. Who do they think they're kidding???

I'll make no apologies for my millennial sons. They studied hard, worked hard, applied themselves, and use the biggest, best tools any of us have - their brains.

As for our 401-k's ……....... almost all the money we made was by investments in the U.S. and European countries because they are much more stable economies than Asian countries. I follow investing like a magnet. Are YOU even aware that the Asian markets have not done well for the past 8 to 10 years?? Mutual funds invested broadly there have NOT done well. We don't invest in individual stocks. That's too risky, and it requires more time and effort than we're willing to put in at this point in our lives. We're focusing on enjoying the fruits of our labors and investment planning - not sweating in front of a computer screen worrying about every market move!!

BnB ... I love it when you get all frosted and lathered up, start bolding words, and get shouting "Power to The People" ... "Down to the Man" ... and then talk as though you are an Investment Banker monitoring the dow ticker tape like a toad watching a fly about to land on his nose! You hate that some are losing but you want to make sure you win ... right? :emoji_grin:

No one brought your kids into this discussion so I am not clear why you did. I admire many people on here who show their kids efforts off as these kids are truly unique in todays world ... responsible, hard working, accountable, and driven to succeed. Sounds like your kids are following the right path also.

Getting back to the original point of this thread, if you want China to fail because of whatever your bias is, and you see the CV as a means to an end, be careful what you ask for. China is going through a lot of growing pains in trying to become a industrialized nation. Gov't is trying to control their peoples access to information and freedom while still creating a so called "consumer" driven economic system. If their economy gets ham-stringed for an extended period of time, not good for the rest of the world.

If you cringe when you see on a product label ... "Made in China" ... wait till you see "Made in India" ...:emoji_fearful:
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We (our company) import a ton (actually hundreds of tons) of product from India every year. Again, that is because the good Lord put it in India and not Wisconsin.

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Why should we care about China?

Because that virus is coming here !
Why should we care about China?

Because that virus is coming here !

They also export $6 for every $1 they import.

If you value low prices on the things you buy here, or that your 401k's are profitable because "US & European" companies can sell products profitably around the world, better hope this thing gets controlled soon. They provide parts & pieces for almost everything we own or buy here ...
I'm going out on a limb as a new guy posting on this topic. Seems like a lot of conspiracy theories are floated around. I tend to go with the more mundane but equally plausible theory. The Chinese eat a lot of wildlife we wouldn't consider as food. They can be purchased at exotic food markets. Cram a bunch of exotic stressed reptiles, birds and mammals in to a small enclosed area you are bound to weaken their immune systems allowing for virus particles to be shed. Couple this with poor sanitation and food prep and you have a excellent conditions for natural viral shedding and mutation. The SARS virus jumped from Civets under very similar conditions. This isn't as sexy as a mad scientist in a lab. Never discount the ability of mother nature to slap us down if we, as humans, make poor decisions.
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Looks like the virus now has a foot hold in South Korea, and Singapore. Folks dying in Iran.

I think the hope that it does not become a world wide pandemic is pretty poor at this point.

At least there is not a single case in all of South America or Mexico! LOLOLOL

And only 1 in all of Africa! :/

So is it like other corona virus's,.. in that your immunity (once you get it and live) is good for a few years? If that is true it could be really bad. Imagine if every few years you have a chance of getting this and a 2% chance of dying? Could be a good way to reduce global population levels,..

Check out what a food check out line looks like in China now,.. is this going to come here?

Good! Get it in while you can,.. !

PS try not to cruise to an Asian destination.
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