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I think he's quoting the Squad.

Saw they're welding and boarding Chinese into their homes now.
Once they are welded or boarded in the homes, how do they eat/drink? Do they have 2 weeks supply?
Years ago I never thought about stock piling food or water.

These days I do,.. it all started with a nasty ice storm of 2011 that knocked out power for a week.

I guess I became a "Prepper" after that week.

Mortenson where did you see that, cause there are all sorts of ridiculous things being said out there.

The only way to know is to look at the source of the info,..
VT Group is a privately held United States defense and services company, with its origins in a former British shipbuilding group, previously known as Vosper Thornycroft. is part of that.
Back To CV,..

I notice on this map (you can see the map from a full PC view, phones only show death totals) that there are no reported cases in South America or Africa?

Now I am thinking that is likely due to poor heath care and no real reporting, it has to be there?? Imagine if CV starts running around those poor nations?

Or for that matter Mexico,.. I believe you will then see more support for that border wall! Imagine if people are coming over the border unaccounted carrying the virus? Talk about a backlash if that happens! Least, I think I can predict one.

Picture Mexico with its poor health care and lack of governmental controls infested like China's Whuhan provice is now,.. that is a terrifying thought!

Just voicing a worry I have.

Let your greatest fears be realized, Chinese are the largest groups of tourists traveling to Mexico.

Boom in Chinese tourists to Mexico: Tourism Minister
Wow,... had no clue.

The flu has killed more people in the same amount of time, with a fraction the attention. It isnt a joking matter, but it isnt a pandemic either. It doesnt deserve the attention the media gives it.

That's not accurate. The novel coronavirus is far more contagious and far more deadly than influenza, and there is no vaccine or treatment against it. There are numerous vaccines and treatments against influenza viruses.

About 10 years ago I got H1N1 swine flu while living in Beijing. Luckily I was able to treat it with Tamiflu. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be effective against any type of coronavirus.
VT Group is a privately held United States defense and services company, with its origins in a former British shipbuilding group, previously known as Vosper Thornycroft. is part of that.

You know you shouldnt use Wikipedia as a source. It is the world's BEST source for FAKE NEWS. Anyone on the planet can go in and edit and make whatever changes they want. I can edit it, you can edit it, and any Russian or Chinese BOT could edit it too. You cant be taken serious if you use Wiki as a source.

That's not accurate. The novel coronavirus is far more contagious and far more deadly than influenza, and there is no vaccine or treatment against it. There are numerous vaccines and treatments against influenza viruses.

About 10 years ago I got H1N1 swine flu while living in Beijing. Luckily I was able to treat it with Tamiflu. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be effective against any type of coronavirus.

That's cause it was developed in a lab as a weapon of mass destruction. I firmly believe we have a vaccine for it here in the US if we need it. If your trying to get the Chinese Communist Party to be severely weakened what better way than to have a whole bunch of domestic issues blow up in their face. First it was African Swine Fever decimating their hog herds, then we kept piling on the tariffs, then revolt and protest in Hong Kong, and now a deadly flu outbreak that is strangulating them. Their economy has taken an absolute beating the last 3 years and domestic upheaval is definitely heading in the wrong direction. That's why you have to go out and kill journalist, doctors, and social media types. Gotta keep a lid on what's really happening. We are in a de facto state of war with China and military conflict usually starts with economic warfare first.
That's cause it was developed in a lab as a weapon of mass destruction. I firmly believe we have a vaccine for it here in the US if we need it. If your trying to get the Chinese Communist Party to be severely weakened what better way than to have a whole bunch of domestic issues blow up in their face. First it was African Swine Fever decimating their hog herds, then we kept piling on the tariffs, then revolt and protest in Hong Kong, and now a deadly flu outbreak that is strangulating them. Their economy has taken an absolute beating the last 3 years and domestic upheaval is definitely heading in the wrong direction. That's why you have to go out and kill journalist, doctors, and social media types. Gotta keep a lid on what's really happening. We are in a de facto state of war with China and military conflict usually starts with economic warfare first.

I read a statement made by one of the higher ups in China, and he admitted on public TV, that the Chinese severely underestimated Donald Trump. This has been a bad 3 years for China.
Geez buck.
Your house must be made of tin foil.

Why do you say that? Plenty of examples of the United States govt using the CIA to overthrow or undermine unfriendly govts. Plenty of examples of the United States using its power to cripple other countries economically for our benefit. Plenty of examples of wars starting cause one country was being strangulated economically by another. China has publicly stated goals of being the worlds lone superpower. I dont think any of it far fetched at all. Go listen to Pompeo's speech to the governors association from last week.
Unfortunately, I believe it is not far fetched.

Not likely,.. but not far fetched either,..

Heck,.. I thought even industrial sabotage. If you are a multi billion dollar pork producer and you had the option to unleash swine flu in China, many would do exactly that.

Good point on the Wiki Buck,..
Thanks for getting back on topic.
I’m still curious about this. Not fearing end of the world. But it is interesting and worth a look.
15K new cases reported overnight
15K new cases reported overnight

they started reporting infected people differently. It’s now based off of symptoms vs positive test.
I have traveled to China a number of times for business and have traveled extensively in the major population areas and rural areas.

When you look at China as a country, they are rather unique. China is a bit bigger than the US geographically and their population in 1.4 billion vs US at 330 million with much of their population in the eastern 1/3 of the country. One of the things that really amazed me in my travels, was the population densities. Beijing has 21 million people and Shanghai has 24 million. They consider a small city to be around 5 million people.

Over the last 20-30 years, China has had a Govt driven policy to move from an agriculture based society to an industrialized nation. This has meant moving millions of people to city centers. The population density is unique as you can travel 500-600 miles between 2 large cities and not see another city.

Sanitation and hygiene standards not very good. Go to most public restrooms and you are doing #1 & #2 in a hole in the floor. There would be a flush button; however, you had better have good aim to make the shot :emoji_fearful: You won't always find hand wash sinks or soap either.

Regardless of how the CV started, China is set-up perfectly for rapid and uncontrolled spread of the virus. Primary mode of transportation is by train. Approximately 3.5 million people travel everyday by train, with 100 people in each car. On trains, the toilets empty directly on the train tracks. Train stations can be very congested with people and people travel extensively between the major cities every day. In my last 8 day trip, I traveled with my rep almost 7,000 miles in the major city centers and the rural areas via train and we traveled everyday.

China is a great country with wonderful people as I was treated very well wherever I traveled. As a communist country, information is not freely shared and news going through the chains of commands gets "massaged" as no one wants to deliver the bad news. They are also not used to freely communicating upwards as we are.

Given the above, good chance that the CV spread way faster than anyone knew. I don't always believe in conspiracy theories as often times is & events occur due to incompetence even thou you can try and connect the dots otherwise.

Hopefully this get this thing controlled as people promoting our open boarders policy are putting every American at significant risk.

They have known about these coronaviruses and other flu like viruses in bats for years There are extensive study’s on them. As stated with all those people their food habits and the sanitary conditions is was really just a matter of time. Probably just one of many that will eventually go through the population. As far as reporting, Communist Countries are really good t controlling a message. Simply put most anything coming out of China can’t be trusted. From their fake birth certificates for Olympic gymnasts to high tech espionage and theft China government are not a nice bunch.
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