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They have free health care now,..

They just go to the hospital and rack up huge emergency room visit bill,.. that we all pay for.

What the dems are saying is if they have health care they will be given a cheap inhaler for the asthma,.. so you do not end up in the expensive emergency room.

Or insulin for the diabetes, instead of in insulin shock in the emergency room

Or cheap high blood pressure medicine vs a heart attack emergency room visit

Its called preventative medicine and saves our country money.

Look I know you hate illegal mexicans,.. but sometimes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

But I live here, pay taxes, and my health care is unafordable, $850 per month, with a $14,000 deductible just for myself. I dont get this free preventable health care, why should they? Then to advertise it, just makes sick people from other countries want to come here so we can pay their medical bills, and my insurance can just go higher yet.
Typical Democrat response "I know you hate illegal Mexicans"....unbelievable. There are rules to follow in each country, I don't believe in illegal immigration or sanctuary cities...if you do, then vote for Bernie or Mayor Pete.
Typical Democrat response "I know you hate illegal Mexicans"....unbelievable. There are rules to follow in each country, I don't believe in illegal immigration or sanctuary cities...if you do, then vote for Bernie or Mayor Pete.

And then move to one of the sanctuary cities.
Hey now. Illegal immigrant prisoners should get the right to free sex changes. You guys are just cruel and racist and trannyphobic!

And for the record, I'd trade 11 million illegal Mexicans for 11 million AOC supporters straight up.
When Trump wins AGAIN there will be much more of the same with the same groups. Dems are a childish group as a whole in my opinion. Citizens of this country should support whoever is the sitting president. Since when is it ok to disrespect the president of the united states?
I gotta feelin ol' Bill( boss admin) bout to shut this puppy down.......

You Tube - there's a reliable source for ya. The liars leading the gullible. BTW - fake news …… the sky isn't really blue anymore.Trump declares it's green.

That thundering, rumbling noise you hear is the herds of Trump lemmings running over the cliff.
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You Tube - there's a reliable source for ya. The liars leading the gullible. BTW - fake news …… the sky isn't really blue anymore.Trump declares it's green.

That thundering, rumbling noise you hear is the herds of Trump lemmings running over the cliff.

It’s a video of the Democratic debate. Who here will offer healthcare for illegal aliens. They all raise their hand. (I saw it live) It’s also on
I didn't think it was even a debate that nearly every Dem politician and quite a few R's wanted open borders. Did you guys see the suitcase full of dead birds that came off a flight from China today? That's a comforting thought.
Did you guys see the suitcase full of dead birds that came off a flight from China today?

I am not always the sharpest tac on the board but I am interested in how dead birds fly?
I am not always the sharpest tac on the board but I am interested in how dead birds fly?
Like this
Screenshot_20200211-203939_Samsung Internet.jpg
On the virus thing. I worked healthcare (EMS) for the swine flu and SARS scares. Sars was a corona virus as well. Both came from China and they were both touted as the next big thing. Nothing happened in my part of the world.
Here's something to ponder about free healthcare for illegals.

If we're humanitarians, why should we require them to run from the border patrol, risk getting raped by a smuggler, avoid armed land owners, and risk death and dehydration in the desert to get it?

Is it fair that the old, infirm, and handicapped don't have access to american health care simply because they don't have the ability to get into the country illegally? Is it fair to the impoverished of continents far away that can't make it here to illegally get free treatment? It's inhumane to put them through all this and still not treat the most at need on planet earth.
Back To CV,..

I notice on this map (you can see the map from a full PC view, phones only show death totals) that there are no reported cases in South America or Africa?

Now I am thinking that is likely due to poor heath care and no real reporting, it has to be there?? Imagine if CV starts running around those poor nations?

Or for that matter Mexico,.. I believe you will then see more support for that border wall! Imagine if people are coming over the border unaccounted carrying the virus? Talk about a backlash if that happens! Least, I think I can predict one.

Picture Mexico with its poor health care and lack of governmental controls infested like China's Whuhan provice is now,.. that is a terrifying thought!

Just voicing a worry I have.
Back To CV,..

I notice on this map (you can see the map from a full PC view, phones only show death totals) that there are no reported cases in South America or Africa?

Now I am thinking that is likely due to poor heath care and no real reporting, it has to be there?? Imagine if CV starts running around those poor nations?

Or for that matter Mexico,.. I believe you will then see more support for that border wall! Imagine if people are coming over the border unaccounted carrying the virus? Talk about a backlash if that happens! Least, I think I can predict one.

Picture Mexico with its poor health care and lack of governmental controls infested like China's Whuhan provice is now,.. that is a terrifying thought!

Just voicing a worry I have.

I would think it is because very few people from the infected area (China) travels to those poor countries to bring the virus there.
Let us hope that is correct.
Here's something to ponder about free healthcare for illegals.

If we're humanitarians, why should we require them to run from the border patrol, risk getting raped by a smuggler, avoid armed land owners, and risk death and dehydration in the desert to get it?

Is it fair that the old, infirm, and handicapped don't have access to american health care simply because they don't have the ability to get into the country illegally? Is it fair to the impoverished of continents far away that can't make it here to illegally get free treatment? It's inhumane to put them through all this and still not treat the most at need on planet earth.
I'd like to see the list of things that ARE fair.
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