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Tree Spud, post #157 - I was responding to H20's earlier post at #108 on this very thread. If you read H20's post #108, my post will make sense then, I believe. I was responding to H20 as the post headlined. I was away from this thread for a while and I just found his comments while reading back through. I'm NOT angry about anything! Not lashing out. The sun coming up is good every day for me. Have a good day too, Tree Spud!!
BnB is a good guy! I think he's just a good, hard working blue-dog democrat. Hey, ya never know... the honorable Governor Blagojevich turned into a Trumpocrat even though he's remaining a Democrat! As far as Coronavirus, I saw in the news where 85% of 4,290 Chinese Starbucks stores have reopened. That's gotta be an encouraging sign right?
The only thing about the Coronavirus I'm worried about is our profit sharing program. We have a bunch of apple stock that is tanking and a moron that is watching it happen because he is unwilling to pay "brokerage fees"
BnB is a good guy! I think he's just a good, hard working blue-dog democrat. Hey, ya never know... the honorable Governor Blagojevich turned into a Trumpocrat even though he's remaining a Democrat! As far as Coronavirus, I saw in the news where 85% of 4,290 Chinese Starbucks stores have reopened. That's gotta be an encouraging sign right?

Not to be put on the spot, but would Dems on here vote for Bernie Sanders if he is the nominee? I heard a Democrat on Fox News say yesterday that he would not vote for Bernie, since he is a capitalist.
IMO, most all the people you see on tv will vote for him, yes. But I personally know some Dems who I think would not. That's why he should be the most beatable candidate, but also the most scary if he could actually somehow win.
NPR interviewed some dems after the latest debate. They all said they would vote for just about any dem other than Bernie, some even said they would vote Trump rather than feel the Bern. NPR is typically a good indicator of the left side of things.

The virus thing is kind of spooky. I plan on stocking up on Ibuprofen and Pedialyte, and taking normal precautions just like I do during flu season (washing hands, etc). I would hate to get a sick kid and not have supplies to take care of him, plus these are things we will end up using anyway. I don't think the shit is going to hit the fan but would be a bad dad if I wasn't prepared when it does. Might be a good reason to go buy a bunch of ammo too. :)
Good thoughts, Cat. I told my wife maybe we should buy a supply of Cottonelle, and she reminded me we had a good stash of cloth diapers that were never used, so we have that covered. :/ I've always said I'm going to turn them into the world's most expensive shop rags, but maybe it's a blessing it hasn't happened yet.

Edit: misspelled cloth
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Good thoughts, Cat. I told my wife maybe we should buy a supply of Cottonelle, and she reminded me we had a good stash of clothe diapers that were never used, so we have that covered. :/ I've always said I'm going to turn them into the world's most expensive shop rags, but maybe it's a blessing it hasn't happened yet.

I found that clothe diapers are the best option to clean firearms with. Honestly perfect.
I had quite a few cloth diapers as rags for a while. They work great for a lot of things.
Noted. I'll give a few to my dad and friends for Christmas this yr. Before our 1st kid was born, wife suckered me into going to clothe diaper school in Naperville. Cost me an arm and a leg. 3 wks after he was born we demoted to Walmart brand and have used them every day for 8 yrs. Glad to finally repurpose them.
Not to be put on the spot, but would Dems on here vote for Bernie Sanders if he is the nominee? I heard a Democrat on Fox News say yesterday that he would not vote for Bernie, since he is a capitalist.

Who would everyone rather see win the democratic nomination? Bernie because chances are he would never beat Trump? Or someone else, because just Incase he does beat Trump, the US will go so much backwards?
I don't feel like the other Democrats are less scary then Bernie. Just my worthless opinion.
Who would everyone rather see win the democratic nomination? Bernie because chances are he would never beat Trump? Or someone else, because just Incase he does beat Trump, the US will go so much backwards?

Bernie feels like a practical joke to me. Hard to take him serious and I doubt he has the "presence" to be an effective president. I don't see him getting anything done (which might be a good thing for Republicans), and the real dems in power (the ones with money) don't want to go broke just as much as the Republicans with money don't want to go broke. I say his economic plans and threats to wealth keep him at bay, even if he is elected. Bloomberg is somewhat scary. I think he is the Democratic version of Trump. I think he would forcefully try to get his way and would make things happen. I see him arbitrarily signing in any and all possible 2nd Amendment laws into existence as he can. He has enough wealth that he can break ties with those who would try to influence him behind the scenes. Of course I may be full of it and know nothing, been said about me before.
I have a question for the guys stocking up on ammo. Is it to shoot anyone who comes near your homes during a coronavirus outbreak? Would there be no repercussions to your dropping a few folks??

We have a few guys in camp that talk like that - young guys. They're going to fend off the "feds" when they come to confiscate their guns. (??!!!) I asked them how they think they'll do with their '06's, shotguns, pistols - even an AR - against a military detail equipped with mortars, RPG's, machine guns, aircraft, tanks, etc. (This is assuming a bona fide tyrant became president and ordered the military that all privately owned guns are to be surrendered.) Their faces went blank.

I, and other older members, told them to relax. The military would all have to agree with a lunatic leader to turn on it's citizens and become violent with them. 99.9% unlikely. I lose no sleep over such things. Blood pressure steady.
I just like to buy ammo and want to blindly justify it to myself once in a while.
They won't come door to door to take guns, they'll hurt you so much financially to have them that most will give them up willingly.

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"Dropping a few folks who come near your home" is a far cry from legitimately defending your home and loved ones from a band of thugs who bust through your windows in the middle of the night. Not a single politician nor activist should be able to limit me to only having 5 or 10 rounds to protect my family.
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