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plus then the 3 from China and then 44 from the cruise ship that are now being treated in America. Those numbers are also on the cdc website.
You want lies look no further than the media. What happened to the 83 people on Long Island they reported last Wednesday that caused the market to do a 180 degree turn. I can’t find anything on that now. NBC all morning has been potential outbreak here, there, and everywhere. Keep stoking the fire. You hate Trump so you think he lies. I hate dems and the media so I think they lie. Stop watching CNN. Trump’s delivery sucks at times but that is part of the package. At least you know what he is thinking. You will miss Trump if you get Comrade Bernie or Dementia Joe. Trump is not tearing the country apart, the media is.
So less than the number of kids sick in any decent sized school any week all winter long?

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Correct, but you also have to factor that we don’t have a very strong way of testing everyone yet. That hopefully will be coming shortly. It sounded like for a lot of people in China, it appeared more like a common cold. Which is good.
I couldn't agree more on the media thing. Facts are no longer reported, what you should think and feel is reported. I'm tired of being told I should be angry about this or that. Just tell me what happened. Opinion pieces are for talk shows not the news.

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You want lies look no further than the media. What happened to the 83 people on Long Island they reported last Wednesday that caused the market to do a 180 degree turn. I can’t find anything on that now. NBC all morning has been potential outbreak here, there, and everywhere. Keep stoking the fire. You hate Trump so you think he lies. I hate dems and the media so I think they lie. Stop watching CNN. Trump’s delivery sucks at times but that is part of the package. At least you know what he is thinking. You will miss Trump if you get Comrade Bernie or Dementia Joe. Trump is not tearing the country apart, the media is.
That’s not why the market crashed. The market is correcting because larger covid-19 numbers started appearing in europe and South Korea and Iran. (No longer contained to China.) plus factoring all the business in China that hasn’t been running and that’s created a supply issue for certain products that will ultimately create a loss in earnings for each company. We haven’t seen anything yet in the market if this thing hits us hard Nationally
I couldn't agree more on the media thing. Facts are no longer reported, what you should think and feel is reported. I'm tired of being told I should be angry about this or that. Just tell me what happened. Opinion pieces are for talk shows not the news.

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Yeah I totally agree. I don’t think there is really any news site or broadcast that doesn’t lean left or right anymore. It’s tough to get the cold hard facts.
Since everyone want’s to stay political with this virus situation;

On Jan. 31 during the impeachment farce, the Trump administration placed a temporary ban on travel into the United States for immigrants and nonimmigrants who had recently been "physically present" in China, with exceptions made for U.S. citizens and permanent residents and their family members. So during all the latest crap storm Trump was getting ahead of this thing trying to protect the American people.

I admit I’m looking at retirement in the next four-five years and I want to see the economy as good as it can get. I want to see my 401K and pension as fat as they can be and in my eyes Trump is the one that can do that for me.

Here is my spin on the last four years;

I think there is one version of Trump while tweeting/campaigning/in front of cameras that is all showman entertainer and another version that is all business behind the scenes working nonstop for the betterment of the country and its people.

Is Trump a narcissist, heck yes.
Does he tweet too much, maybe...some of it gets a little out of hand. How else is he supposed to communicate with the country with the MSM suppressing him.
Has he exposed blatant bias corruption and lying by the MSM...yep
Has he exposed Democrat and Republican corruption in politics of them taking kickbacks and favors from donors/lobbyist/special interest groups...yep
Has he exposed rampant deep state corruption in the FBI/DOJ/CIA....yep
Has he been persecuted and investigated since before he was even elected...yep

The guy is an enigma, and he really has gone through a lot of crap no President should ever have to and has had one hand tied behind his back for three years. What the left and some of the right have done to him is a disgrace and some of it illegal, I don't blame him for getting mad.

What he has done as far as deregulation/tariffs/cutting red tape/creating jobs/military/VA/North Korea/Iran/NAFTA/Paris Agreement/UN/court appointees/national security/minority jobs/prison reform/energy independence and more has been impressive. I'm looking forward to the next five years to see how well he can clean up DC.

Do I think Trump is perfect? Heck no far from it. But the things he seems to fight for align with the same things that are important to me, I cannot say that about one person that is running for president in the democratic party.
Since everyone want’s to stay political with this virus situation;

On Jan. 31 during the impeachment farce, the Trump administration placed a temporary ban on travel into the United States for immigrants and nonimmigrants who had recently been "physically present" in China, with exceptions made for U.S. citizens and permanent residents and their family members. So during all the latest crap storm Trump was getting ahead of this thing trying to protect the American people.

I admit I’m looking at retirement in the next four-five years and I want to see the economy as good as it can get. I want to see my 401K and pension as fat as they can be and in my eyes Trump is the one that can do that for me.

Here is my spin on the last four years;

I think there is one version of Trump while tweeting/campaigning/in front of cameras that is all showman entertainer and another version that is all business behind the scenes working nonstop for the betterment of the country and its people.

Is Trump a narcissist, heck yes.
Does he tweet too much, maybe...some of it gets a little out of hand. How else is he supposed to communicate with the country with the MSM suppressing him.
Has he exposed blatant bias corruption and lying by the MSM...yep
Has he exposed Democrat and Republican corruption in politics of them taking kickbacks and favors from donors/lobbyist/special interest groups...yep
Has he exposed rampant deep state corruption in the FBI/DOJ/CIA....yep
Has he been persecuted and investigated since before he was even elected...yep

The guy is an enigma, and he really has gone through a lot of crap no President should ever have to and has had one hand tied behind his back for three years. What the left and some of the right have done to him is a disgrace and some of it illegal, I don't blame him for getting mad.

What he has done as far as deregulation/tariffs/cutting red tape/creating jobs/military/VA/North Korea/Iran/NAFTA/Paris Agreement/UN/court appointees/national security/minority jobs/prison reform/energy independence and more has been impressive. I'm looking forward to the next five years to see how well he can clean up DC.

Do I think Trump is perfect? Heck no far from it. But the things he seems to fight for align with the same things that are important to me, I cannot say that about one person that is running for president in the democratic party.

H20, I respect the hell out of this post. I think there’s a lot of truth there.
That’s not why the market crashed. The market is correcting because larger covid-19 numbers started appearing in europe and South Korea and Iran. (No longer contained to China.) plus factoring all the business in China that hasn’t been running and that’s created a supply issue for certain products that will ultimately create a loss in earnings for each company. We haven’t seen anything yet in the market if this thing hits us hard Nationally
The market went down an immediate 500 points when they announced those 83 cases. Uncertainty is what caused the market to drop and when you announce there are cases near NYC it has an effect. I sold stocks on Wednesday because I wanted to take profits from the last two years and the uncertainty of the next 6 months caused me to pull the trigger. Of coarse supply chains and earnings going forward will have an effect but the drop last week was all due to a stupid virus that isn’t as bad as the common flu and in some case the common cold. Before the media shifted from Russia and Ukraine the market was at an all time high. What changed? 24/7 virus, end of times bs, that is all Trumps fault coverage. The media found their new Russia to get trump and they will be thrilled with every American that dies.
I’m not gonna call it a crash just yet. I’m going to stay optimistic and call it a correction. Markets were at all-time highs and analysts were calling for a pull back. Which is healthy. I I don’t think anyone anticipated Coronavirus would be that catalyst. Yes media coverage on this thing is being blown out of proportion. Some on the left see it as an opportunity. That’s wrong, people will be hurt from all of this. I think Trump has taken some good first steps in placing the travel bans to help slow the spread into America. While hopefully allowing the CDC to organize and get prepared. I think there’s a question on whether or not they should have been prepared in the first place. Having proper funding etc. Since that’s their roll in government. It is what is at this point. What’s done is done.

now let’s fast forward here. 6 months from now, this thing blows over markets down 15% -20% from all time highs... people get your cash ready. There will be some gains to made there... a lot of discount stock prices on some top quality companies.
The most baffling part to me is how you bring in all these people from the cruise ships knowing they had it and you can’t keep that locked down. That shows you how incompetent the government is. It is either gross negligence or something more sinister. I wouldn’t be counting on California to get anything right. As far as funding, they still haven’t used the money from the last crisis. Arguing over funding is another example of the media and dems conspiring against Trump. Remember when he was racist for stoping people flying in from China?
H20, exactly how I feel. My biggest fear at this point is how do we go back to regular politicians in 2024?
Great post H20. You should probably run for some type office in your retirement, but your values are too strong! People (media) still don't get it, you don't have to love Trump the person to love Trump the presidency.
H20, exactly how I feel. My biggest fear at this point is how do we go back to regular politicians in 2024?

Who says you have too...... there’s always the option to vote Kayne in 2024. :emoji_wink:
At this point I feel like we need to get away from a 2 party system. From here on out I don't really see any working together. The current prez has dumped gasoline on that fire.

I am not leftist or rightist, personally I see aspects from both sides that make sense. I would say leaning more right on the fact that I want people to work hard and be able to stand on their own. However I just really don't think I could vote for Don. True 100% con man in my eyes. Don't believe one word out of his mouth.

As to the virus I don't really worry about it. Seems there is some big one every other year, it is good to make people aware though. Because eventually one of them could be catastrophic.
Great post H20. You should probably run for some type office in your retirement, but your values are too strong! People (media) still don't get it, you don't have to love Trump the person to love Trump the presidency.

This is why I’m truly undecided between him and Sanders at the moment. I just can’t see sander’s policies being better for the country. But Trump’s narcissism is so over the top at times that if you aren’t republican to begin with and are someone in the middle or left leaning, it’s truly hard to get passed it. Policy wise, mainly financially, it’s damn hard to say I’m not better off now than I was 4 years ago.
Alright fellas, I got to get on with my day.. havea good Sunday to all of you. Stay healthy my friends.
Great post H20. You should probably run for some type office in your retirement, but your values are too strong! People (media) still don't get it, you don't have to love Trump the person to love Trump the presidency.

Thanks, I have no ambition for that type of headache!
I'm going to spend my retirement traveling the world with little mama, training bird dogs and hopefully spoiling grandkids!
This is why I’m truly undecided between him and Sanders at the moment. I just can’t see sander’s policies being better for the country. But Trump’s narcissism is so over the top at times that if you aren’t republican to begin with and are someone in the middle or left leaning, it’s truly hard to get passed it. Policy wise, mainly financially, it’s damn hard to say I’m not better off now than I was 4 years ago.
I would say you are in the 1% club of people that are undecided between Sanders and Trump. All I tell people is look at what Trump does and not what he says. If Sanders passed what he says he wants to pass it would be the end of our Country as we know it.
Since everyone want’s to stay political with this virus situation;

On Jan. 31 during the impeachment farce, the Trump administration placed a temporary ban on travel into the United States for immigrants and nonimmigrants who had recently been "physically present" in China, with exceptions made for U.S. citizens and permanent residents and their family members. So during all the latest crap storm Trump was getting ahead of this thing trying to protect the American people.

I admit I’m looking at retirement in the next four-five years and I want to see the economy as good as it can get. I want to see my 401K and pension as fat as they can be and in my eyes Trump is the one that can do that for me.

Here is my spin on the last four years;

I think there is one version of Trump while tweeting/campaigning/in front of cameras that is all showman entertainer and another version that is all business behind the scenes working nonstop for the betterment of the country and its people.

Is Trump a narcissist, heck yes.
Does he tweet too much, maybe...some of it gets a little out of hand. How else is he supposed to communicate with the country with the MSM suppressing him.
Has he exposed blatant bias corruption and lying by the MSM...yep
Has he exposed Democrat and Republican corruption in politics of them taking kickbacks and favors from donors/lobbyist/special interest groups...yep
Has he exposed rampant deep state corruption in the FBI/DOJ/CIA....yep
Has he been persecuted and investigated since before he was even elected...yep

The guy is an enigma, and he really has gone through a lot of crap no President should ever have to and has had one hand tied behind his back for three years. What the left and some of the right have done to him is a disgrace and some of it illegal, I don't blame him for getting mad.

What he has done as far as deregulation/tariffs/cutting red tape/creating jobs/military/VA/North Korea/Iran/NAFTA/Paris Agreement/UN/court appointees/national security/minority jobs/prison reform/energy independence and more has been impressive. I'm looking forward to the next five years to see how well he can clean up DC.

Do I think Trump is perfect? Heck no far from it. But the things he seems to fight for align with the same things that are important to me, I cannot say that about one person that is running for president in the democratic party.

Well said sir! Trump scares the media and democrats because he is showing all people of all races & genders that their lives can be better.That blows up the media & democrats narrative that we have to accept a poor economy and have to rely on the Govt for help. Trump scares Rhino establishment republican types because he holds himself accountable for following through on his promises. Accountability scares every politician.

The difference between Trump and every other republican that has been bullied, intimidated, and lies about yet he fights back. So refreshing for someone to stand up for our principals and values against those that want to attack them.
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I admit I’m looking at retirement in the next four-five years and I want to see the economy as good as it can get. I want to see my 401K and pension as fat as they can be and in my eyes Trump is the one that can do that for me

Trump has very little control over the markets. The markets go up and down, and the best thing to do at your age is diversify enough that you can ride out the lows. Ray Dalio has a fund that is "recession proof", but I don't know what the fees are. If you just want to put away some cash that will keep up with inflation, you can get 4-week T-bills with an APY of about 2.5%, and I believe the interest it tax-free. This keeps your money pretty liquid so you can pay off a credit card or other bills without dipping into your 401k when the markets are down.
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