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Michael Moore suggests that Trump is more dangerous than the Coronavirus! LOL
Tree Daddy, post #178 - Go ahead. Shoot some Democrats. Big talk doesn't make a big man. That's the kind of idiot talk that's ruining this country.
See you in handcuffs.
That's just it. Obama was put here on earth to be this huge uniter. He was going to heal our country and the world. Well we sure saw how far that got us. After 8 years of it, not many people cared any longer that we were putting a man of potential sketchy character in the Whitehouse. Trump wasn't put here to wow you with his poetry and Twitterless social habits. He's doing the things he said he would do.

So basically, all choices were pretty crappy. One was just less crappy than others.

And while trump is doing what he said he would (kudos to him, btw) if you think he's not lying and doing some sort of shady deal on the back side when no one is looking, you're probably naiive.

I don't know that I trust the judgement of anyone who would willingly want the position of POTUS.

I don't have to choose one or the other. I'm allowed to choose neither.
Disagree. I think Trump was a good choice. I don't need him to be my spiritual leader. I don't need him to still be on his 1st wife to know that I'll always be faithful to my wife and kids. If people require him to be a nice guy so they know how to be a good citizen, I guess that's on them. Every potus lies and needs to lie. You are right about that. Some are big lies and some are white lies. As pointed out a couple days ago, some think Trump lied when he stated 22 corona cases. Well that's what the CDC said right? Is that a big lie, or one that even matters? Who cares? He's working a hard job and still seems to be tireless. He probably sleeps less in a night than Bernie and Biden sleep after lunch.

To your last sentence, that's exactly how I hope Trump gets reelected. Bern will get screwed by the party again and probably run as an independent, forgetting his allegiance. I feel there's only 2 choices, R or D. Anything else is a wasted vote, but that's only my opinion.
Michael Moore suggests that Trump is more dangerous than the Coronavirus! LOL

Tough to take advice from a guy that cant even figure out how to run a comb or show the slightest inkling of personal hygiene.
To be fair... 22 was the number of cases that were tested and confirmed in the US and not all cases in the United States currently. It was a complete downplay of what the status truly is. The trump administration also wants the CDC to coordinate with them first before saying anything. That’s not entirely trustworthy in time when the general public needs information to protect themselves to what there actual risks are. WHO is probably a much better source for statistics. Should be unbiased source people can rely on.

I don’t think it’s out of the question for Americans to demand a little more professionalism out of the presidency. Just someday when the roles get reversed and it’s a Democratic President acting like a complete child, throwing twitter tirades, speaking on record with another country asking for a favor to dig up dirt. Then I’m sure the party of “values” will be demanding the samething. Which would still be the right thing to do
Disagree. I think Trump was a good choice. I don't need him to be my spiritual leader. I don't need him to still be on his 1st wife to know that I'll always be faithful to my wife and kids. If people require him to be a nice guy so they know how to be a good citizen, I guess that's on them. Every potus lies and needs to lie. You are right about that. Some are big lies and some are white lies. As pointed out a couple days ago, some think Trump lied when he stated 22 corona cases. Well that's what the CDC said right? Is that a big lie, or one that even matters? Who cares? He's working a hard job and still seems to be tireless. He probably sleeps less in a night than Bernie and Biden sleep after lunch.

To your last sentence, that's exactly how I hope Trump gets reelected. Bern will get screwed by the party again and probably run as an independent, forgetting his allegiance. I feel there's only 2 choices, R or D. Anything else is a wasted vote, but that's only my opinion.

I totally see your line of reasoning, and I can live with that side of the aisle far easier than I can the other side. I am an evengelical Christian voter, but I try to use common sense. I get annoyed at the hypocrisy of the people who wanted Clinton out of the whitehouse, but somehow are totally fine with the R saying he'd grab women by the P or the fact that his current wife was his mistress while he was with his other wife. I absolutely appreciate his candor, I just don't like it when people ignore the horrible human he is because he's an R. Likewise, suddenly the D's have a conscience and are offended at how he's living.

We're so divided that we're weak, and that's troubling.

That said, I think Trump will probably win again and he's 10.754 million times better than Bernie. Just wish someone would take his Twitter machine away from him.
Nice post. I do agree that a little tact goes a long way. If everyone would strive to improve, world would be a whole lot better off.
Nice post. I do agree that a little tact goes a long way. If everyone would strive to improve, world would be a whole lot better off.

Look at us, coming together, agreeing on something, getting sheet done... DC could learn a lot from us.
not so fast ,Roy

someone will pop off about Tubes v Cages and we're off and running again.....

Silly. Just positively silly. LLLLLLLLLLL OL.
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I would say you are in the 1% club of people that are undecided between Sanders and Trump. All I tell people is look at what Trump does and not what he says. If Sanders passed what he says he wants to pass it would be the end of our Country as we know it.
The market will probably be down tomorrow... go back and look at stock prices in 08-09 and look now.

Millions/Billions were made, and this will be repeated again. Investors with guts take shares of the companies $$$ from the sellers. It’s a cycle that has been repeated many times in history.

Those two posts kinda caught my eye and had to toss in 2 cents of my own

I'll vote trump again but if Bernie gets in I kinda smell the opportunity to profit by the inevitable crash that will follow. I created my business in the 08/09 crash as I could buy out equipment from all those biz who couldn't make ends meet. Amazing what a jar of cash can buy a guy in a terrible economy rather than a good one. Yes I fear losing freedoms. Honestly if it wasn't fear of losing freedoms I would prob vote Bernie as I wouldn't mind the same opportunities that became available during the last big economic crash. Of course I wouldn't feel this way if I was near retirement
Bernie would be an epic catastrophe. I just hope most of what he proposes wouldn't happen. And yes I agree, dry powder is a good thing. With a commie in charge though, can you find creative enough ways to hide it?
Just to show what Democrats do when they get control, here in Virginia they are now trying to pass a bill to allow illegals to get drivers licenses. We are going to eventually be a mini California. I guess they need their votes.
Just to show what Democrats do when they get control, here in Virginia they are now trying to pass a bill to allow illegals to get drivers licenses. We are going to eventually be a mini California. I guess they need their votes.
Yeah... heaven forbid everyone using the roadways understand all the laws.....

Look at It from a different angle. ICE will know where they live.
Yeah... heaven forbid everyone using the roadways understand all the laws.....

Look at It from a different angle. ICE will know where they live.
Not in NY.
We passed the law giving illegals DLs and then Cumo cut off ICE from using the data base. Canada still gets to use it to check people coming from NY but our Feds can’t. We also just passed bail reform, you basically have to kill someone to not get out of jail in less than 24 hours. So great having liberals run the state. They wonder why there is a mass exodus of people leaving the state. Anyone thinking Bernie is an option should really leave the country. I can’t imagine a president to the left of NY liberals. The country will self destruct.
I wish people in my state would leave,.. too many people turning woods and fields into houses and apartments.

Lots of places I used to hunt are now houses. My home town of Agawam doesn't even have woods left anymore.
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