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Yeah... heaven forbid everyone using the roadways understand all the laws.....

Look at It from a different angle. ICE will know where they live.
Since they are breaking the law, how can they get a official id without getting reported to ice. Can I break laws and not be arrested if caught. The Democrats made Virginia a sanctuary state so ice won't know where they are due to the license. They are raising taxes, passing gun control laws, and refusing to cooperate with ice and they have only had control since January.
Yeah I agree, I don’t understand how they are able to get away with a lot of things including getting jobs and how employers aren’t threaten with losing their business if hiring them... system seems really broken.
How should employers be held accountable?
Why shouldn’t they be held accountable? If they weren’t giving jobs to them, they wouldn’t come here.
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Why shouldn’t they be held accountable? If they weren’t giving jobs to them, they would come here.
I agree with you 100%.
They might be interested in getting everything for free. They are not all here working.
Why should they be getting anything for free. I sure the heck don't. If they aren't allowed to be hired, you aren't allowed to rent to them, and they aren't allowed to get free stuff, maybe they would stop crossing into the country illegally. People are acting like they are so worried about the virus but heaven forbid we stop the illegals from crossing the border even though they could be carriers. I just don't understand.
I agree. I'm all for closing off the borders to our country---it makes a lot of sense to keep illegal aliens from coming here but if the aliens can drive and most likely vote I wonder which party all aliens would vote for? Alternate agenda in the works. Employers have to hire people to do work---that's how a business operates. It's very hard to find americans that are willing to work period. Any government workers have yet to actually do a days work. A government that is out of touch with what it's people are really dealing with to make ends meet is of very little value. People milking the broken system because they are too lazy to even look for a job is a huge problem in this country. Just my opinion.
Just to show what Democrats do when they get control, here in Virginia they are now trying to pass a bill to allow illegals to get drivers licenses. We are going to eventually be a mini California. I guess they need their votes.

Ohio lets some undocumented immigrants get a drivers license and lets felons vote. The system is broken.
I'm good with immigrants, but they need to be vetted and legal. Everyone living here needs to know the laws, pay taxes/social security, screened in relation to communicable diseases, and be literate enough to make informed voting decisions.
It's very hard to find americans that are willing to work period. Any government workers have yet to actually do a days work. A government that is out of touch with what it's people are really dealing with to make ends meet is of very little value. People milking the broken system because they are too lazy to even look for a job is a huge problem in this country. Just my opinion.


Pre- New Deal the American philosophy was that government provided "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." The New Deal basically attempted to, not only provide the "pursuit of happiness", but to PROVIDE HAPPINESS directly, through all kinds of new social regulations and spending reforms. The progressive liberal agenda is this same philosophy....just in spades. Everybody wins. Free college. Free money. Free health care. Redistribution of wealth. Bail reform. Free this, free that....sweet Jesus the only thing they are not promising is immortality. Increasingly we are becoming a Nation of people dependent on their government: the classic Nanny State. When you are given everything, there is little incentive to work. It's no longer "What can I do for America?" It's now "What can America do for me?" A pathetic state America now finds herself in.

Just rambling here. These are just my opinions, of course. I am a right leaning libertarian. But, I can't stand Trump. Total blowhard of a man. He brings out the worst in everybody.
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I'm good with immigrants, but they need to be vetted and legal. Everyone living here needs to know the laws, pay taxes/social security, screened in relation to communicable diseases, and be literate enough to make informed voting decisions.

Good points. Any serious violence issues, gang members, drug dealers...should be sent back.
Good points. Any serious violence issues, gang members, drug dealers...should be sent back.
Sent back and then sent back again a month later after they come back and are up to no good again?

I'd treat illegals in that grouping just like North Korea would.
Then we are no different than North Korea.

We are better than that,.. I would like us to strive to be the best!
I don’t need to be the best, but I sure wouldn’t mind being left alone. Would also like to keep more of what I make and not be forced to give it government only to watch them redistribute it to illegal alien through various programs. It’s unthinkable to me that our country does such a piss poor job of protecting a simple border yet half the country wants to give these lunatics in government MORE power. They can’t get anything right, not sure why so many wanna fork over freedom and power to these asswipes.
I don’t need to be the best, but I sure wouldn’t mind being left alone. Would also like to keep more of what I make and not be forced to give it government only to watch them redistribute it to illegal alien through various programs. It’s unthinkable to me that our country does such a piss poor job of protecting a simple border yet half the country wants to give these lunatics in government MORE power. They can’t get anything right, not sure why so many wanna fork over freedom and power to these asswipes.

I don't understand the rise in popularity of socialism. It seems depressing to me the thought of no opportunity of success or no pride of building something for yourself. Of course nobody of value wants to give away what they've earned, that's easy to see. But... it's baffling to me the lower income people wanting to be stuck where they are at living off of handouts. How could you be in a low state and want to be kept there by not having hope to achieve a better life? Socialism provides no hope by it's very structure. It all seems counter-intuitive to me. The only thing that makes sense to me regarding this is if the people wanting socialism already have no hope of a better life, they've already lost vision and motivation.
Then we are no different than North Korea.

We are better than that,.. I would like us to strive to be the best!

Best at what? Allowing murderers and rapists to be sent home.
Best at what? Allowing murderers and rapists to be sent home.
If we can even get to them to send them home----maybe they go to a sanctuary somewhere off limits to any common sense what so ever. Just my opinion.
I'm good with immigrants, but they need to be vetted and legal. Everyone living here needs to know the laws, pay taxes/social security, screened in relation to communicable diseases, and be literate enough to make informed voting decisions.


I'm probably the only immigrant on the forum, and probably the only former illegal immigrant here as well. I still believe countries must protect their borders. Otherwise it's chaos. I have experienced that too. I was in Belgrade a few years ago, and it was full of Syrians sleeping on yoga mats, waiting to get into the EU. After the immigrants got in, massive explosion of gang rape against European girls by Muslim men.

Countries must protect their borders. Without exception.
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