cop in south carolina

Do you folks under stand what excessive force means?? The officer did NOTHING EXCESSIVE.

The force continuum consists of: ( someone may google this and correct me, but this is by my memory.)

1. officer presence
2. Verbal
3. Hands
4. Hand and leg strikes
5. pepper spray
6. baton/stun (which could be deadly)
7. use of deadly force when all options have been exhausted.

The officers presence did nothing, he gave verbal commands for her to leave, she became a passive resistor. He tries to gently pull her up, she resisted, he escalated to hands and pressure points. She became immobilized and the officer acted accordingly to the use of force. Now understand she goes from a passive resistor to an active resistor very quickly but if you watch the video you can see it. He does NOT walk up and slam the girl, he tries to pull her up and she resists, game over. Cop wins and unfortunately the mammy pants public looks at this cop as a criminal. When is it in America that we are not going to literally take off the high heels and skirts and understand and teach our kids to respect someone in authority??? Those parents of that kid should be embarrassed and ashamed.

and for the record.. if you watch the REAL video do you see where she HITS the officer????? Passive... Active. I personally think this officer was calm and was in control. IT's exactly what I would expect and exactly the officer I want in my kids school. He is a hero in my book.
It doesn't show anything leading up to the officers actions? What the whole story?
Do you folks under stand what excessive force means?? The officer did NOTHING EXCESSIVE.

The force continuum consists of: ( someone may google this and correct me, but this is by my memory.)

1. officer presence
2. Verbal
3. Hands
4. Hand and leg strikes
5. pepper spray
6. baton/stun (which could be deadly)
7. use of deadly force when all options have been exhausted.

The officers presence did nothing, he gave verbal commands for her to leave, she became a passive resistor. He tries to gently pull her up, she resisted, he escalated to hands and pressure points. She became immobilized and the officer acted accordingly to the use of force. Now understand she goes from a passive resistor to an active resistor very quickly but if you watch the video you can see it. He does NOT walk up and slam the girl, he tries to pull her up and she resists, game over. Cop wins and unfortunately the mammy pants public looks at this cop as a criminal. When is it in America that we are not going to literally take off the high heels and skirts and understand and teach our kids to respect someone in authority??? Those parents of that kid should be embarrassed and ashamed.

and for the record.. if you watch the REAL video do you see where she HITS the officer????? Passive... Active. I personally think this officer was calm and was in control. IT's exactly what I would expect and exactly the officer I want in my kids school. He is a hero in my book.

He may have done nothing excessive using your above definition however his actions don't pass the smell test of a reasonable amount of force to bring the problem to a close. Was she to blame, you bet, did he use poor judgment in how he chose to get compliance, no doubt and now he is unemployed as a result. if this is the type of cop you define as a hero, we need a new definition of hero. And for the record, no skirt, no high heels, card carrying conceal and carry conservative.
I got home from work the other morning and this story as well as the squad cam video of the officer shooting the doper that almost ran over him were the top stories. The news never mentioned anything about the 3 officers who had been shot over the night. Guess that isn't news worthy even tho several officers are shot every week. This was all blown up by the media. If it wasn't on the news he would still have his job. The real story here is the lack of parenting happening in our country. This shit never happened back when I was in school. Everyone knew their parents would tan their hides if they acted as this girl did.
I got home from work the other morning and this story as well as the squad cam video of the officer shooting the doper that almost ran over him were the top stories. The news never mentioned anything about the 3 officers who had been shot over the night. Guess that isn't news worthy even tho several officers are shot every week. This was all blown up by the media. If it wasn't on the news he would still have his job. The real story here is the lack of parenting happening in our country. This shit never happened back when I was in school. Everyone knew their parents would tan their hides if they acted as this girl did.

My dad has quite the stories from high school and he graduated in 1961, a lot of kids fighting with teachers. His oldest brother graduated in 1940 and had regularly got in fist fights with teachers. Things were not that rosy back in the day. My dad also said there were about 20 girls in his graduating high school class in their small northern mn town and 6 were pregnant by graduation, of course they had shotgun weddings shortly after and most were divorced by the 20th class reunion.

But I suppose most of the current generation of parents were raised by his generation and that where things got screwed up? I am probably almost 20 years younger than most people that have parents my age.
well unfortunately there is no such thing as the small test of reasonable amount of force to bring the situation to a close. The girl hit a police officer in his face!! Two closed fist strikes. By the use of force continuum he could have escalated to that stage but he choose to continue with open hands and wrestling. Yes he is my hero and an officer I would love in my community. That girl made a bad choice and bad choices generally result in a consequence, her actions put herself in cuffs and on the ground. That cop was in total control.
Anytime a cop has to use force it is not going to look pretty on camera to the general public. Correctly using force on a physically resistive subject will end the situation quickly. This is for the safety of bystanders the officer and the suspect. No good comes out of a wrestling/pulling match with a suspect. That's how people get hurt or killed.