Contact from Real Estate Agents

Tree Spud---Yeah I guess I was just being honest some realtors are good at what they do, some are not. If you notice the example I used of the unethical agent-- no names were given.

I am certainly not trying to gain you or anyone else as a client on here. The reason I commented is because I just don't think an experienced agent should send junk mail to every landowner in the county. Just my opinion, that's all.

My wife and I own our small business and neither one of us, will bash our competitor to our clients.
We grew up in this town--1300 people, so really no issues ever. If you do bash someone, the word will be out at the local bar by the end of the night...if you know what I mean.
I got one this week offering me $4000 for 40 acres, but relieving me of the burden of paying taxes! They included a contract to sign. I'm assuming they are hoping someone misreads it as a per acre price and signs the contract, then they threaten to sue when you want to back out.

I'm sure most of the flyers are agents just trying to drum up business, but this one was a scam.
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