Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

It was the most unpatriotic thing an American can do.

We dont change things by breaking windows.

We don’t change things by bashing in doors.

We don’t spray cops with bear spray.

We don’t hit cops with flag poles.

We don’t act like fools.

We looked like an un-disciplined pack of baboons that day. We caused destruction to something our ancestors built. We acted like the third world losers that crack pot dictators manipulate.

Look at the videos. Really look at them. You won’t be able to stand 30 minutes of it.
You’re dwelling specifically on that (J6) protest for what reason exactly? Because there are Trump voters here and you want to persecute, antagonize them or what? You brought it up first, if I recall.

There’s plenty of conspiracy theory behind the lies that sparked the BLM, critical theory crap that wrecked cities across the country for years. You barely mention that.
Mr. T was convicted unanimously on 34 felony counts. By a jury of his peers. For breaking laws that were on the books for decades. Some of his administration picks are convicted criminals as well. In T-appointed judges' courts. So if anyone is for "law & order" - how do these convicts get a thumbs-up in the eyes of anyone???
They all get a thumbs up in my book. Sham charges, Sham prosecutors and sham jurisdictions. And I'm pretty sure the electorate believes the same as I do because we just elected him to be President. I'm not in favor of persecuting ordinary voting democrats. But the establishment type and life long bureaucrats should be hunted and killed. The cows on the View and a couple squad members felt us Trump voters should be put in re-education camps. I'm down with doing that to ordinary voting Dems. Short term though, nothing to dramatic.
I would like to know what actual law he broke?
The law he broke was he’s crushing Democrats in elections. They would not have tried to get rid of him (through the farce charges/justice system or by assassination) if they didn’t KNOW he was going to beat their Democratic candidate no matter who it was .

They knew, that’s why they tried to take him out. They saw the 50,000-100,000 people at each rally and realized their candidate is lucky to get 100 people to show up .

I’d venture to guess Trump won by millions more than reported , Harris won states with no voter ID. She lost 31 states to Trump !
Who had the United Healthcare CEO whacked? I'm sure the theories are out there?!?
I dunno.....but I got a shit-ton of their stock.......and t's been very good to me.
What about this twist. What if Obama after being President for four years did not get elected to a second term by a very small margin. He then said through social media that he felt he was cheated because of his skin color. Well this inflamed many black men and 500 showed up at the capital to protest. Well as groups often do, some bad apples decided to break into capital to stop the vote counting and then many other of the black crowd joined in and overpowered police and started to break windows and enter the capital with force. My question is .......How do you think the capital police and court system should handle the situation?

I can tell you what I would do if I was a police that night I would shoot the first one that crossed the line and then I would shoot the 2nd until I ran out of bullets. How do I know everyone of the people over powering the police don't have a concealed weapon, how do I know they don't have a bomb. My job is to take care of the capital and all the elected officials inside, I would have protected. Now I would have protected and shot criminals in both situations, that real night and in the made up situation above, I would have done what I thought was best for security. With that said I think all involved handled much better than me, I think they did a good job.
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Who had the United Healthcare CEO whacked? I'm sure the theories are out there?!?

I can't imagine being a cop on this case. The suspect list is everyone that loved someone a healthcare company denied service to. That's a big list!!!
I can't imagine being a cop on this case. The suspect list is everyone that loved someone a healthcare company denied service to. That's a big list!!!
Yeah but it can be narrowed down to people who could afford a professional hit man. The video is straight out of a movie.
Yeah but it can be narrowed down to people who could afford a professional hit man. The video is straight out of a movie.
I disagree. You or I could have done that. It was cold. No one suspected a guy in warm clothes. Especially in a city where no one ever makes eye contact.

I think a pro would have gotten him on the elevator or somewhere less public.

The guy knew how to clear a pistol with a jammed shell. But lots of us know how to do that.

I could be wrong but I think it was a guy who lost someone special to denied healthcare.
1. That is the question, professional hit man or just dude taking action?
2. Other question can he get away, obviously had plan with hidden bike?

I agree with Bill, not a hit man just dude taking taking care of things himself.
I think he will be caught within two weeks, too many cameras and high tech ability to search





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I dunno.....but I got a shit-ton of their stock.......and t's been very good to me.

I was reading on Twitter that the CEO of United was being investigated for insider trading. If that's true I expect it wouldn't be great for the stock. For all we know this could have been the secretary's husband. Maybe the police will get in a shoot out with a patsy and we can have a real conspiracy...
Mr. T was convicted unanimously on 34 felony counts. By a jury of his peers. For breaking laws that were on the books for decades. Some of his administration picks are convicted criminals as well. In T-appointed judges' courts. So if anyone is for "law & order" - how do these convicts get a thumbs-up in the eyes of anyone???

Here's a FACT that's been in the news. For all those who say the DOJ is only out to get Republicans, the last 5 or 6 major political cases were against DEMOCRATS. And those folks deserve to get punished if they did break any laws. So how is that biased in favor of Democrats if the DOJ is only out to get Republicans??? The Dems seem to be getting lots of attention from DOJ prosecutors. (or is that OK, since they're Dems? - but if a Republican is prosecuted - that's bias in the DOJ?????) How does anyone think like that? Crime is crime - no matter what side commits it.

I won't disagree with you Bill, on the guy protecting citizens in a subway. I don't care what color his skin was - black, white, or striped. A crook is a crook is a crook. Same goes for political parties and anyone in any of them. The only way we get things right is to apply the laws - as they've been established on the books - to everyone ..... and not look the other way for any political figure we happen to like in any given moment. If we change our laws to suit any political whims or pressures - we lose "the rule of law" - and all of us become subject to the "flavor-of-the-day" dictated by whoever is in power at a given time. By any definition, that's not law & order. That's the kind of "law" places like Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, etc. have in place. What if Dems had control of all 3 branches of government - would it be OK if they changed laws, judges, fired everyone at the DOJ, FBI, and went after any Republicans they didn't like?? Hell no, it wouldn't be right or ethical. IMO - if a D, an R, an I, an L, or Green Party person breaks any laws - they're a crook. PERIOD. No special treatments based on politics.

The idea / thought process where if their guy does "X" - he's a crook, needs to be in prison - - - - but if our guy does the same "X" - that's no big deal ..... it's all made up ..... is called hypocritical corruption. The dictionary definition of a hypocrite is when anyone applies rules or laws to others - but not themselves. Fact.

I have no animosity toward anyone on here. My blood pressure is nice and low. I hate no one. God Bless the U.S.A. Have a good day all.
What underlying crime was Trump convicted of that allowed the state to elevate the charges from misdemeanors to felonies?
What about this twist. What if Obama after being President for four years did not get elected to a second term by a very small margin. He then said through social media that he felt he was cheated because of his skin color. Well this inflamed many black men and 500 showed up at the capital to protest. Well as groups often do, some bad apples decided to break into capital to stop the vote counting and then many other of the black crowd joined in and overpowered police and started to break windows and enter the capital with force. My question is .......How do you think the capital police and court system should handle the situation?

I can tell you what I would do if I was a police that night I would shoot the first one that crossed the line and then I would shoot the 2nd until I ran out of bullets. How do I know everyone of the people over powering the police don't have a concealed weapon, how do I know they don't have a bomb. My job is to take care of the capital and all the elected officials inside, I would have protected. Now I would have protected and shot criminals in both situations, that real night and in the made up situation above, I would have done what I thought was best for security. With that said I think all involved handled much better than me, I think they did a good job.
I would say, for everyone here. Thank you for not becoming a cop. And you should probably think seriously about giving up.your guns
people prosecuted by the left is a political atrocity is undeniable.
They weren’t prosecuted by the left. They were prosecuted by the judicial branch of our government, some by a jury of their peers.
Those poor schmucks were 100% pawns that were set up by agitators
Have heard interviews of family members who talked about how their loved ones went off to D.C. to get involved in this. They are victims in a sense but not the sense portrayed here.
If you can’t see that you are either slow or so biased you are blinded by it.
I’m neither. I do my very best to stand back and get a wide view of the events events of the world and take in information from a lot of different sources. I think it’s important not to let any single source .

I gotta tell you though, this is why people don’t like to discuss stuff online. That’s why you see a lot of people who agree agreeing with each other. I know we don’t agree but why go there? Hell we could be neighbors or know each other in the real world.

I got very, very busy with an incident at my part time job that is getting national attention. I grilled a steak and ate while answering my phone tonight, I really wanted to respond to some of this stuff but I’m going to have to come back to it hopefully soon.
A guy I went to high school with, went to the J6 rally. If we had a yearbook vote for 'Most likely to join a militia', he would have won easily. But after returning from the rally he said there was no way he was heading to the capitol building from the rally. Said there were 3 types of people at the rally who were going there.

1) complete whack jobs who really thought they were going to somehow stop the election confirmation.
2) obvious government plants that were trying to coerce people into joining those whack jobs.
3) morons that were falling for those obvious plants.
A guy I went to high school with, went to the J6 rally. If we had a yearbook vote for 'Most likely to join a militia', he would have won easily. But after returning from the rally he said there was no way he was heading to the capitol building from the rally. Said there were 3 types of people at the rally who were going there.

1) complete whack jobs who really thought they were going to somehow stop the election confirmation.
2) obvious government plants that were trying to coerce people into joining those whack jobs.
3) morons that were falling for those obvious plants.
J6 was the second time we learned the lesson of geo fencing meta data. I hope I said that right. Damn near any crime could be solved if this information was used more often. It's the same info that was used to catch the 2000 mules that were stuffing ballot boxes in swing states in 2020. Same data that was used to drag net anyone with a phone in their pocket and inside the fence on J6.

Now, will that data be pulled for the United Health Care CEO whacker? Probably not. Also interesting is the X-Keyscore database in Arizona that houses every email and text message sent in like the last 20 years. Hillary destroyed her server, but all those emails were intercepted and stored by the NSA. Won't use that either. Sometimes law enforcement is there to make sure crimes do not get solved.
I've not read the entire 36 pages of logical discourse in this thread. Has there been a good explanation for the 20 million missing votes?

The left leaning and right leaning news sources agree: most of the reduction in democrat votes occured in "safe" states, i.e. not the swing states.

If we're going to take these missing votes as evidence of fraud, that means: the fraudsters are genious enough to accomplish fraud at a massive scale, across dozens of states, thousands of counties, where those counties each have their own election officials & staff, without get busted in any of those thousands of counties (other than the normal small scale random junk). That's a truly stunning accomplishment. Keep in mind, the dem vote reductions were mostly in non-swing-states. That means deep republican states also saw a reduction in democrat votes. Even those hostile places can't manage to bust them? So these fraudsters are truly genious, but somehow they are too stupid to commit their fraud in the swing states where it matters.

I guess the alternative is that democrats weren't impressed with Kamala, so they stayed home in the non-swing states where their vote doesn't really matter. I can understand non-swing-state dems not voting for Kamala. I'm a non-swing-state right wing republican and I wrote in Mike Pence this year. If I was in a swing state, I'd probably hold my nose and vote trump. But I made use of my non-swing-state privelidge and wrote in someone respectable who doesn't manipulate the gullible.
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